Hello , Pipe Dream (Sargeras) Is recruiting for our Heroic/Mythic raid team! We are a core group of people who have been playing together for the better part of 8 years . We came together with a goal in mind to achieve Cutting Edge in every tier of Shadowlands while only raiding a 2 day schedule ( may turn into 3 days depending on farm and heroic clears). We will also gear up any rerolls due to shadowlands being some months out so at the very least we will be doing heroic clears every week to stay sharp together and able to build a solid community before the launch. We will also be recruiting for our Mythic + Teams.
We have extensive raiding history and are looking for like minded players to join our ranks. Social players are always welcome to come in for our heroic clears and fun nights , but the mythic team is required to understand there class and there rolls in raiding and mythic + .
We will use the rest of BFA to establish a community and raid team for shadowlands ( And the rest of BFA Mythic ) while also setting up our Guild bank and raiders with all the tools needed to succeed .
Raid days : Tues / Wed 8pm - 11pm EST
Recruitment Needs :
Tank - Open
Healer - Druid / Sham / MW
MDPS - Rogue / Warrior / Dk / DH
RDPS - Mage / Warlock / Priest / Boomkin
If interested or have any question plz feel free to reach out to our Officer core:
Shockies#0101 - Recruitment Officer
Classic#11547 - GM