★ [A] <PIGEON> - LF Core Raiders for Heroic Prog! ★

Pigeon - US - Sargeras is a lively community that is looking for eager & active players to add to our core team, as well as new friends to contribute to our atmosphere!

Pigeon is a guild created from multiple groups of friends coming together under a similar purpose, to be apart of a relaxed, drama free team, while also being able to accomplish raid and general game progression.

Our members are dedicated to guild success and long-term continuity. At the same time, we also understand that life happens and each member has real life priorities that sometimes take precedent.

We are looking for people who will contribute to the guild through active participation in activities, being vocal in chat, assisting other members, and helping to grow our strong community.

Raid Schedule:
Tuesday 7pm - 10pm CST
Wednesday 7pm - 10pm CST

Open Positions:


  • Mistweaver
  • Resto Shaman

ALL DPS classes are being considered but here’s what’s in HIGH demand;

  • Shaman
  • Demon Hunter
  • Rogue
  • Mage

ALL positions are open for consideration at this time; Ranged AND Melee
Even if your class/role is not listed do not hesitate to reach out! We are always recruiting active and dedicated players

Raid Progression - We are currently 9/9 Normal, 6/9 Heroic, & 1/9 Mythic

Mythic+ Progression - The core of our team is very much invested in scaling to high keystones in BFA. We actively run keys ranging from +5/+11 multiple times per week.

We all treat each other as family, as most of us have stuck around just to be able to hang out together. Please feel free to contact us at anytime, or leave us a message here.

Contact information:

BNET - Blake#13949
BNET - Hmilgrim#1344
BNET - Stormfyre#1208
DISCORD - discord.gg / SUxhfVs

We have an open spot for immediate trials tonight. PM on Bnet if interested!

Recruitment has been updated!

Status update for our current open positions!