A Pet Collector's Perspective On Remix

Also just from an economic perspective you’ve got a small cartel saying any given pet is worth an arbitrary amount of gold, and then those values cascade to basically every server because that small cartel is using an addon to disseminate its pricing guidance which is completely devoid of any influence that supply or demand might have on the pricing.

So you’ve got arbitrary prices enforced globally by things that blizzard isn’t in control of, and they should absolutely take the opportunity to apply additional supply and wreck the value they’re hoarding.

Also, I just found the PETA addon and i hope they add that to the default UI

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I appreciate everyone’s added context / perspective on pet trading.

I’ve sold a few myself, but as others have mentioned, it’s by no means reliable income.

I still say it’s a poor excuse to snub pet collectors.

I was able to get Son Of Galleon’s Saddle and Astral Cloud Serpent Reins quite easily, as a non-mount collector. Two mounts which, just going by my friends, were quite elusive for many mount collectors.

I think it’s only fair to allow others who either (A) want an easy entry into pet collecting or (B) are pet collectors who’ve had bad luck - the same courtesy.

After a mixup with dracthyr loot tables at the launch of DF, the devs decided to just enormously buff the drop rates for everyone. A happy little accident in my opinion.

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Interesting - that’s not something I was aware of.

I do wonder how drastic of a buff it was compared to the old rates.

So the guy in the cave on top of the mountain in Kun’lai doesn’t battle? It looked like he’d battle…I didn’t even try. I’ll go look again later.

I dunno but every pet out there I mouse over says I have one already. I got most of the Timeless ones too. I remember having to catch multiples of the same pets to cheat-fight the pet tournament thing there. I spent a lot A LOT of time on Timeless.

Should go check and see if I’m missing anything still. Hmm. Or just wait with you all to see if we can buy them on a vendor! That would be best. I really don’t want to keep spreadsheets of pet battle strats and stuff again. =/

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estimated 1/1000 - 1/2000 drop rates for the mounts went to an estimated 1/100 drop rate after the evoker debacle


I haven’t tried myself yet either. My son tried and couldn’t fight. Might be due to his account being a trial account though.

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I wanted to update this thread but I don’t want to bump it for no reason, so I thought I’d come up with a potential list of pets that could be on the vendor and their associated Bronze cost. To keep things fair, I’m looking at the Mount vendor and the associated rarities to keep things balanced.

Most of them will be already available in MoP but as with the mounts, I’ll include a few new ones that are exclusive to Remix. I’ll limit it to 43 total as that is how many mounts were added.

So here are my thoughts:

A new NPC that handles the pets rather than sticking them on Nessingwary or whomever. Many people would probably have it be Breanni because the character is so famously attached to the community. But I think we can do something more original. So I’d like an NPC to honor one of my favorite WoW pet battle community members - Quintessence. Quintessence runs a blog called wowpetaddiction and last I checked, was quite active in the community as a whole. So maybe a Night Elf vendor in his/her honor named “Quintess” or something similar.

The NPC could offer the following pets for the following process (again, I’m using the Mount vendor as a guide):

2200 Bronze:

  • Red Cricket - (max rep from MoP farmer)
  • Terrible Turnip - (Halfhill harvesting)
  • Sumprush Rodent (purchased from vendor)
  • Blue Panda (unused blue variant) WoW Remix Exclusive
  • Violet Netherdrake Whelp (unused Okrut Dragonwaste variant) WoW Remix Exclusive.
  • Crimson Cloud Serpent (unused Burning Pandaren Spirit variant) WoW Remix Exclusive.
  • Silver Ooze (unused David Kosse variant) WoW Remix Exclusive.
  • Pink Mana Wyrm (unused Bloodknight Antari variant) WoW Remix Exlcuisve

4400 Bronze:

  • Pandaren Air Spirit - (RNG lootbox from pet quest)
  • Pandaren Fire Spirit - (RNG lootbox from pet quest)
  • Pandaren Earth Spirit - (RNG lootbox from pet quest)
  • Pandaren Water Spirit - (RNG lootbox from pet quest)
  • Chi-Chi Hatchling Of Chi-Ji - (Celestial Tournament)
  • Xu-Fu Cub of Xuen - (Celestial Tournament)
  • Yu’la Broodling of Yu’lon - (Celestial Tournament)
  • Zao, Calfling of Niuzao - (Celestial Tournament)
  • Vengeful Porcupette - (Timeless Isle PvP reward)

6600 Bronze:

  • Ruby Droplet - (Timeless Isle Garnia rare drop)
  • Skunky Alemental - (Timeless Isle Skunky Alemental rare drop)
  • Ominous Flame - (Timeless Isle Ominous Flame rare drop)
  • Jademist Dancer - (Timeless Isle Jademist Dancer rare drop)
  • Gu’Chi Swarmling - (Timeless Isle Gu’chi Swarmling rare drop)
  • Ji-Kun Hatchling - (Throne of Thunder Ji-Kun rare drop)
  • Tylarrr Gronnden - (Brawler’s Guild MoP)
  • Clock 'Em - (Brawler’s Guild MoP)

18,700 Bronze:

  • Tiny Blue Carp - (rare fishing)
  • Tiny Green Carp - (rare fishing)
  • Tiny White Carp - (rare fishing)
  • Tiny Red Carp - (rare fishing)

38,500 Bronze:

  • Thundering Serpent Hatchling - (Black Market / Guild Achievement MoP)
  • Spineclaw Crab - (Timeless Isle Spineclaw Crab rare drop)
  • Blackfuse Bombling - (SoO Seigecrafter Blackfuse rare drop)
  • Droplet of Y’Shaarj - (SoO Sha of Pride rare drop)
  • Pygmy Direhorn - (Thorne of Thunder Horridon rare drop)

100,000 Bronze:

  • Murkalot - (Blizzcon 2013)
  • Grommloc - (Blizzcon 2014)
  • Essence Of Competition - (given out in Shanghai)

So those would be the purchasable pets. I was also thinking it would be fun to have a few tied to achievements. Here are some of the ones I thought up but I’m sure others could be more creative:

[It’s Dangerous To Go Alone!]
Add 5 Friends In WoW Remix.
Reward: Golden Pig (Recruit-A-Friend)

[MoP: Friendship Is Magic]
Add 10 Friends in WoW Remix.
Reward: Jade Tiger (China Recruit-A-Friend)

[A Remixed Message]
Get a character to level 70 in WoW Remix without ever leaving The Jade Forest.
Reward: Jade Panda Whistle (unused green model of panda cub) WoW Remix Exclusive.

[It’s Just Another Manic Menagerie]
Collect all pets offered by the WoW Remix pet vendor & complete all the WoW Remix pet achievements.
Reward: Spectral Cub (China 2012 promotion)

So yeah, those are just the ideas I’ve had over the last two weeks and what I’d love to see added before WoW Remix ends. I’d love to hear comments on it from the rest of the community!


You already have a solution, the AH.

Some of these prices i.e. the celestial tournament are outrageously low.

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Death Adder Hatchling is the only MoP pet I don’t have and it’s never on AH. Farming the imperial pythons is incredibly tedious and I would love to never have to do it again.

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You cannot obtain all the ones I listed on the AH. Not to mention that mount collectors got an easy way to farm hard to collect MoP stuff - why should pet collectors not get the same courtesy?

I’m sure some would think offering the Astral Cloud Serpent for 18,700 is outrageously low, or Reins of the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent / Son of Galleon mount at 38,500 are ridiculously low as there were people who were STILL farming them since MoP days until Remix. You can literally obtain these stupidly rare mounts for less than a few hours of Bronze farming.

Or the Mythic Raid transmogs. Or the Tusks of Mannaroth. I could go on, but a lot of things are way easier to get in WoW Remix than they were in OG WoW…I don’t see why pet collecting needs to be some white whale endeavor. I’m perfectly fine with other pet collectors having the barrier of entry reduced since that’s sort of the whole point of WoW Remix.

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Some of my friends get lonely out on the road, day after day, with the weight of so much death on their soul, and the right pet can alleviate that as well as bring them comfort and joy.

But it has to be the right pet. So I went around collecting various pets until the perfect one was found for each of my friends who were open to the idea.

Of course, it would have been much easier if the feral druid hadn’t kept eating them.

But it all worked out in the end.


Yep. For whatever reason, none of the pet battlers went live with Remix. You can battle random critters and capture them, but Masters and the Argent Tournament have been removed from MoP Remix. I was really looking forward to finally getting the Argent Tournament done this time around too! Boooo…


They could have easily removed the cageable bit on these pets in order to let people collect them without worrying about gold impacts.


Oh gawd! I hope he didn’t eat the Perky Pug. Not for the sake of the dog though. If I see a feral druid scooting around I’ll know why.


I mean… sure. If they want to be like that with the originals to not crash the AH market or something like that, that’s one thing - but there’s no reason not to have the recolours on a vendor. After all, anyone with a sub has access to remix.

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They have proven that they are capable of making the same pet be cageable and not cageable depending on how you got that pet.
If you got eye of the legion from the TCG, it’s tradable. If you got it from twitch drops, it is not tradable.


I appreciate everyone chiming in.

Unfortunately, with every passing day that Remix dwindles down and no Devs commenting - I feel like it’s a lost cause. Which is pretty darn sad.

I don’t understand why Pet Collectors have been ignored the last few years. I mean getting the Battle Dungeons was amazing…and they abandoned it. :confused:

Pet Battle Dungeons were released in 2017. So I world say pets have been largely ignored for more than a few years.


Fair enough.

Woah wait are you THE FlipMethod, the one from Reddit?

Because if so, I totally used your list as inspiration.

I really appreciate the work you put into it + you made excellent points.

And I wish that someone would have listened or responded to the valid criticism.

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