[A] <Peaceful Skeleton Realm> LF DPS for Mythic progression & Shadowlands

Peaceful Skeleton Realm is a recently revived guild new to Sargeras after previously playing on Horde. Our core players are 6/12M Nya’lotha looking to build something of our own as Shadowlands grows closer. Our goal is to maintain a lighter raid schedule while making good use of our time to progress, kill bosses and above all, maintain a friendly, enjoyable atmosphere.

Outside of raiding, we also run a lot of mythic plus and like to both push keys and help run weekly 15s for guild-mates and their alts. We are a social group of people that can typically be found hanging out in Discord outside of raid times.

Raid schedule: (5 hours/week for Mythic with an optional heroic night)

Mythic - Tuesday/Thursday - 8:00 CST to 10:15 CST (9:00 to 11:15 EST)
Heroic - Sunday - 5:30 CST to 8:00 CST (6:30 EST to 9:00 EST)

Raider expectations:

The most important thing we’re looking for in raiders are consistent players who are willing to do the necessary maintenance required for mythic raiding (consumables, mythic+ gearing, maxing cloak) and who will put effort into ensuring that they are performing at a level on par for progression. Players will be expected to have addons required by the raid leader as well as have an understanding of the progression fights as the guild approaches them. Additionally, every raider must be able to accept constructive criticism.

We’re currently looking for all classes and roles going into Shadowlands as our emphasis is on the player and the person, rather then the class.

Where/how to apply:

You may message me directly or feel free to contact one of our officers directly:

Frystdrom - (Frystdrom#1971)
Vashanka - (Vashanka#1582)
Fenley - (Ronfaures#1241)
Avvocado - (Psychlvr#1427)