Currently looking for a guild to do raids/mythic+/pvp in Shadow Lands. Little background on my raiding history. I started playing wow at the end of BC and than during Wrath i was doing 10 and 25 man raids through the whole expac. Than did all heroic raiding in cata and MoP until cata where i raided for the first two raids on heroic. Due to life commitments i was not raiding in legion and bfa.
I am hoping to start raiding again in SL. The raid times and days that work for me are monday to thursday 6pm to 1030pm central time. I main a ret pally but i have a holy offspec and have done holy as a main also. I always come prepared with food flasks and consumables, learn the fights prior and keep up with stats and fight encounters also. You can reach me here or in games my btag is #spike1994