[A or H] [US] Mage all specs LF Guild

Newer mage looking for guild ready to commit. Most comfortable on frost but willing to play fire and arcane

My main is on Lightbringer and is alliance but I am willing to pay for a move/race change or make a new character if the likelihood of being on the team is high.

Would like to be in a heroic progression group. Hoping to prove my worth and commitment leading up to the release of heroic raid.

I have lots of time but due to location and time zones I can only raid early morning PST or Friday and Saturday evenings.

Hello there Blub.

Extended Maintenance is a long established guild on US Silvermoon (connected realms: Drak’thul, Skywall, Mok’Nathal, Borean Tundra, Shadowsong, Hydraxis and Terenas), formed well over 11 years ago now! We are currently looking to do AotC and Mythic+ content going into Shadowlands with a player focused mentality. I see our time line up well with your needs.

Bellow is our current needs and requirements for raiding, however we are always looking for new, friendly and active players to join our community.

If we feel like a we might be a good fit for you, please shoot me a message via B.net or discord.

Scruffles#11132 (Battle Net)
scrufflesthewonderkin#0756 (Discord)

Hi friend,

Lost in the Folds raids 10:30PM - 2:00AM EST (7:30PM-11PM PST) on Fri/Sat. We’re Horde and on Thrall. We’ll be doing n/h and seeing how far we can get into mythic when the time comes.

Please let me know if you’re interested by adding me on bnet @ Beaupeep#11607

Hi Blub.

Satire is a newly formed Horde raiding guild on US Connected Bonechewer gearing up for Shadowlands raiding. Hoping to push AOTC and potentially CE with a limited raid schedule. Our raid nights would be Friday/Saturday 9pm-12am (CST).

You can send me a message on battle.net at Gingivits#11827 or on discord at pdubbs34#8341.

Good luck in finding your home!

Hey Blub!

Project Cloverfield (Mal’ganis Server) is expanding with a new daytime Heroic/AOTC raiding group at 11AM Server time / 12PM Eastern Time on Wednesdays. We are currently looking for all roles for players who enjoy raiding, mythic+, PvP, and more.

You can see more information about our guild at our forum post: [H] [Mal'Ganis] <Project Cloverfield> LF Daytime/Morning Raiders for SL (11 AM CST/ST Wed)

Feel free to reach out if you are interested or have any questions!
Battlenet: Noelzy#11138
Discord: Noel#0993