Hello All!
I took a break midway through M Uldir after the guild I had been running stopped raiding and have dipped back in at the beginning of each subsequent tier without finding a new longterm group. I’m trying again with 8.3.
Ideally I’m looking for a daytime raid somewhere between:
09.00 am - 16.00 EST
08.00 am - 13.00 CST
07.00 am - 12.00 PST
I could also make a super late night group starting after:
2am EST
1am CST
11pm PST
on weekdays or weekends.
I play from Europe, so more conventional raid times do not work for me Also, an East coast server is preferred.
I have been healing since Burning Crusade and playing a Disc Priest since Cataclysm in Mythic (or the equivalent). I have dabbled throughout the expansion with a number of healing specs and have a Monk I can happily play as an alternative.
I previously seemed to always hit the 3rd or 4th Mythic boss of each tier and plateau. This time around i would happily stick to an AOTC focused group if it means finding a nice long term guild. (Currently I have gone 8/12H)
Priest (460ish): https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/proudmoore/adè
Monk (445 and climbing): https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/stormrage/adê
Logs (AKA Historical Documents ):
https: // www.warcraftlogs . com/character/us/proudmoore/ad%c3%a8
Uldir: https: // www.warcraftlogs. com/character/id/42986462#zone=19&difficulty=4
BoD: https: // www.warcraftlogs. com/character/id/42986462#zone=21&difficulty=3
Both characters are currently alliance, but playing either team red or blue is fine.
Contact: Ade#7961 (discord) or Ade#11403 (bnet)
Thanks for reading.