[A] <OneHundredProof> Mythic Guild LF Tank for Nya'lotha

OneHundredProof-Sargeras is recruiting an off-tank for Mythic Progression into Ny’Alotha. Begins July 28, 2020 Tues/Wed @ 8:30-11:30p CST. We will be raiding Heroic on Sundays @ 8PM CST until mythic progression begins.

OneHundredProof is returning to the mythic progression raiding scene. We have many players that have been playing together since Legion where we were a top 20 guild on Sargeras. Legion was our last go around, however OneHundredProof has been around for much longer.

We have an experienced and mature officer core and an attentive Guild Master.

We are currently seeking a Brewmaster Off-Tank.

No Mythic Ny’alotha experience is required, however historic raid experience would be preferred.

Please whisper or send an in-game mail to Rockelious-Sargeras or add Primegenetic#1465 for questions or concerns.

Thank you.

Hit us up! We would love to chat with you TODAY!