One Hundred Proof is currently opening up recruitment to long time World of Warcraft players who are returning to the game for the end of BFA and Shadowlands.
Our guild, formerly known as Beyond the Meta, has a long Mythic progression raiding history and at our peak, in Legion, we achieved top 225 US and top 1,000 world status competing with some of the best guilds on one of the top servers in the world. Like many guilds, we took a break during most of BFA and have recently decided to make a return for Shadowlands.
For now, we will be focusing on building a strong team of veteran players who intend on raiding at a Mythic level in Shadowlands. To accomplish this, we do regular weekly Heroic Ny’alotha clears to help “catch-up” players who are getting back into the game.
Once Shadowlands drops, we will be racing to level 60 and begin farming Mythic dungeons for gear as we prepare to raid.
Ultimately, our goal is to return to Mythic raiding, but with a more stress free environment. Our goal is to clear content as fast as possible, without screaming at each other in the process.
Current schedule
Heroic clears: Saturday 9 PM to 12 AM CST
Starting July 28th, we will be raiding Mythic on the Tues/Wed schedule listed below.
Shadowlands schedule
Mythic: Tues/Wed 8:30-11:30p Central time
Heroic: Sun 8-11p Central time
Currently Recruiting
All classes and roles
How to apply
To find out more about our guild or to apply, please reply to this forum post or send a message to Cptwaffles#1248.