Hello Kel’Thuzad!
I’m the current Raid Leader for looking for capable and ready raiders going into Mythic Progression. The guild is currently 6/10 Mythic
Recruitment Needs
WW Monk
DPS Shaman
Holy Priest
Feral Druid
Raiding Times/Days
Friday 6:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. (EST)
Saturday 6:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. (EST)
Guild Background
Our guild was created towards the tail end of Battle for Azeroth. A lot of our guildies are a mix of “streamers” and members of the NoPixel community (a Grand Theft Auto 5 Roleplaying server). Our Guild Master is two-time grand arena Champion Hotted and most of us have known each other for years at this point.
We run mythic + with some members leading the server in I.O. as well arenas/RBGS for fun with multiple raiders at 1800+ rating. Most of us are in our 20s - 30s and have little time for drama outside of loot drops for our hunters. We have raiders on our team from the Western Part of California to the Eastern part of Australia. All are welcome and accepted.
Contact Information
If you’re interested in joining, you can contact Aleks#12406 on Battle.net or fill out an application form: https://forms.gle/kMvyVhywQJ6mfFaP9
Thanks for reading and looking forward to hearing from those interesting in downing Mythic Denathrius in the near future!