Baelgun/Doomhammer- US Recruiting all or guild Merge.
Hey folks, our guild has lost some people to life and other such things. We have 9 raiders left and would like to find another group in a similar spot to raid with and/or possibly merge guilds. Most of us have at least 2 toons over 390ilvl and have at least 2 heals/tanks raid ready. We were 7/9H before it all went down, but are willing to step back a few bosses to meet up with whoever we team with.
Recruitment is “open” but we currently don’t have enough to raid without pugging. Anyone interested in joining our guild at the current time would need to understand the above merge is still a possibility unless we recruit quite a few people.
Current mains:
Tanks: Brewmaster Monk, Blood DK
Heals: Resto Shaman, Holy Priest
RDPS: Spriest, Warlock, Mage
MDPS: Ret Pally, Rogue
Again most of us have alts we can use over the classes above.
Our raid available times are tues-thurs afternoons, around 2-6EST.
Get a hold of me or our other two officers on bnet: Zelphinius#1924; Arnstar#1405; Sirege#1659
We are open to moving to horde for the right group.