(A) <OK Club> Looking for solid raiders to fill out our Heroic focused ranks

Hey! We’re a bunch of friends from the Midwest that have played together for several years focused on clearing heroic content each tier. I’ll be up front that we probably won’t be trying to push Mythic raiding just to keep it a bit more “casual” but we’ve got a solid core if you’re reading this. We’re also interested in the progression of the bosses and are forgiving up mistakes so long as we’re continuing to learn. In other words, we have PLENTY of time to clear this content and meet our goals. We’re good on tanks and have a resto druid/holy pally that need a third friend. We’re prioritizing a shadow priest, rogue, resto shaman and MM hunter. Frankly though, we need bodies so any exceptional player interested in a laid back guild that does want to win should reach out to me.

We raid on Tuesdays/Thursdays for this month and start at 7-10pm CST with the expectations that the holidays might be a little strange for attendance. Let me know if this interests you! Thanks!

I can be reached by Battle.net Asthetica#1167 or by my in-game name, Corpsegrinde.

Bump. Looking for a few more. DPS and heals. Any class.