Nurfed Gaming - US Kel’Thuzad - Alliance
Created back in 2016, Nurfed Gaming has continued to be a competitive guild amongst the community. Our community is filled with like-minded individuals who only want to better the guild as well as progress through end-game content. We believe this is what allows us to persevere through the rough content cycles of WoW.
- Times: 24/7
- New teams are currently being formed. Times are TBD
- Times: 6:00 - 9:00 PM MST (Server Time) Tuesday & Thursday
(Mondays may be added if a progression kill is within sight )
Recruitment Needs:
- Tank (Any exceptional applicants are encouraged to apply)
- Healer: (Any exceptional applicants are encouraged to apply)
- DPS:
– Mage
– Lock
– Balance Druid
– Rogue
– DH
– Ret Pally
Minimum Requirements:
- 90%+ Attendance
- Discord (at least able to listen)
- Assorted addons for raid/loot management
What to expect from us:
- Cauldrons, food, repairs, and enchants
- Calm, friendly, drama-free gaming environment
What we look for in our members:
- Dedication and loyalty
- Openness to improvement
- Knowledge of your class, specs, and gearing choices
- Mechanical prowess and personal responsibility
- Good communication
How to Apply:
If this sounds like the place for you then please apply below.
- APPLICATION: https: // (remove spaces)
Please put a little effort into your application. This helps us determine who is going to put in the effort to show up and do their part when it comes to raiding. If we see that you answer each point with no detail/one sentence, expect your application to be denied
If you have any questions please reach out to us using the info below.
Discord Contacts:
- GM: Deaddaisy#9536
- Recruiter: Bryanlee#6319
In-Game Contact:
- GM: Deaddaisy#11780
- Recruiter: Bryanlee#1310