[a] - <no refunds> - 7 spots left - 6 teams. 5 mythic and 1 heroic. join us!

Aaaand another one!

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looking @you@

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We need some peeps for team 6.

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Hi!!! I’m Whan!!!

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wE hAvE lOtS oF fUn HeRe.

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don’t matter what team ya join you will be successful great guild dedicated to helping each other be it keys raids quests you name it this is your forever home

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Get in the final spots before they’re all gone.

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Character: Wraith-Icecrown
Btag: TheWolvesden#1360
Ilvl: Unholy 196(W/Bis M+ Leggo)/Blood 198(w/bis Leggo)
Guild History
Hit It and Crit It- US Silvermoon 3 years
Acheived many AOTC achievments with this guild. Sadly during the second tier of BFA the administration fell apart and the core team all but left
Whisper- Us-Area 52 1 year
Progressed with this guild through Mythic Eternal Palace & Mythic BoD and I loved it! Sadly I cant make their raid days anymore.
Class Exp
Unholy DK Since Legion NH(This has been my main class/spec since Legion)
Blood DK Since Wotlk ICC 25 H
Raid EXP
Wrath: 25 man Naxx,25 man Ulduar(yogg at 1 light),25 H ICC
Cata: Heroic BOT,TotFW,Firelands
Legion: AOTC NH,TOS,ATBT (Guild-Hit It and Crit IT-Us Silvermoon)
BFA: Uldir AOTC week 4: 4 Mythic Bosses,
BoD: AOTC week 4:6 Mythic Bosses(Guild Whisper- US Area-52
Eternal Palace: AOTC week 2: 5 Mythic Bosses (Guild Whisper Area-52)
Logs: I tend to change my toon name each x-pack and have realm transferred a couple of time if you would like to see my logs please let me know and I will provide the links
Raid Availability
Sat/Sun Any Time Works
Mon-Fri Any time after 10pm CST
What I am looking for in a guild
Skilled and active community of players that push content together (I really hate pugging)
An Active Social Aspect to the guild
Required log performance and raid consumes

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Hey Wraith! Thank you for the interest! I requested you on bnet! I look forward to talking. =)

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Come be a weekend late night warrior with the Simps for Parses raid team!

Good people, good fun, good times!


All these raid teams and no one needs a hunter :frowning:

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Feroxvenator, raid team 6 does.

by the dying light, we eat PASTA…

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I think you mean hotdogs sir!

Looking for a Havoc DH to join our melee group on Team 3. Come join the Dream Team.

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WE are cool cats who like hotdogs Mmmmmmm and killing BOSSES!!!

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It’s dangerous to go alone, join us!

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Raid team 5 has put forward a lot of work to develop and though we are a heroic team we are still progressing and looking forward to the new heights this team can reach. If you are looking for a serious but fun group( and you are a mage )this is your place !

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This guild is truly a brilliant resource for those who are interested in raiding with highly competent yet chill folks who won’t freak out because you have a real life. Don’t be intimidated, we’re all here to have fun! :slight_smile:

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This guild is helping save my species from extinction, come join the effort :slight_smile: