[A] <No Pants Raiding> 7/9M Is Recruiting!

No Pants Raiding is a mythic raiding guild looking to down bosses while maintaining a fun social environment.

Progression (Dazar’alor):
Heroic - 9/9
Mythic - 7/9

Raid Times:
Progression: Tuesday & Thursday 8pm-11pm server time
Farm Content (Optional): Wednesday 8pm-11pm server time

Strong need for RDruid / Balance, Havoc, and Mage. We are also looking for a melee DPS that can be our backup tank when needed.
Even if you don’t see your class/spec listed, we still encourage any player of exceptional skill to apply.

Feel free to contact an officer in-game if you have any questions:
Fireju (Recruitment Officer) - DireJew#1329
Subgrave (GM/Raid Leader) - Sub#12980

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This guild is gr8

Would you guys even take the elusive shadow priest?

Server time is cst

Dont be shy, we except no skirts raiders as well. Give a shout out

Grong down! 3/9M now!

We are currently progressing on Opulence! Come join us!

Friendly guild, come check us out

We are currently recruiting RDruid / Balance, Havoc, and Mage. Also looking for a melee DPS main that can be our backup tank when needed.

We’re currently working on the last phase of Blockade, and then it’s on to Jaina / 8.2 .