[A] New to Sargeras: LF M+ guild

Hello! Thank you for stopping by my thread.

I am currently looking for a group or a guild to do m+ with. I feel comfortable healing for them and don’t mind tanking so long as people aren’t overly disappointed if I don’t know the routes that well. I’ve been playing the game for a long time and I ran keys often in Legion. I haven’t run many this expac.

I also wouldn’t mind heroic raiding but I work at nights every weekend so I’ve kind of given up on that part of the game. 6-10p server is all I work Thurs-Sun. Anyway, if you’d like to add me I’m at:

NobodyCares#11597 (Btag)
Nobody Cares#4895 (Discord)

I am a very social person and wouldn’t mind adding people as friends as well so just hit me up! Thank you :slight_smile:

Hello, I would like to apply for the position of friend :smile:!

I added you on Discord/Bnet. I am fairly new to Sargeras myself, I only transferred here in like February I think, but I was lucky enough to hang around the cool people in reddit. They are pretty active in discord and a lot of us play more than just WoW too.

We raid progression on Tues/Thurs starting at 9 Server with a BYOB alt run on Saturdays at the same time. With your work schedule, it looks like that may not work out for ya. But if you are looking to just do M+ we have a lot of people running keys from low to high. Never fear about not knowing the routes for tanking, we have some really knowledgable and helpful people who can help with that :slight_smile:.

Either way, come hang out with us and just have fun. We are all stuck inside right now so the more friends the merrier!

Feel free to add me back on. I’ll add my stuff again below in case you didn’t get it.

Discord: Ness#6201
Bnet: Ness#11725

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