[A] New raider looking for morning guild/group

I am new to raiding in WoW. I have dabbled in LFR and M+ but wanted to start raiding Normal or Heroic. I have been wanting to dive into this type of content but it is hard due to my work schedule interferes with most standard raid times.

Currently I main a Warrior and want to get into tanking but I am not apposed to discussing other roles if needed.

A little bit about myself if you are interested, I have played wow casually since MoP never got to far into endgame ever. I have spent the last 6 years raiding in FFXIV yes the “weeb” mmo. I was a Main Tank/Ranged DPS and our raid caller for my team, I do have some fundamental understanding of what needs to be done in raids like lining up raid buffs for damage windows and consumables, positioning bosses, etc.

My availability is Sun,Mon,Tues,Wed,Thurs from 7:30 AM to 1 PM EST.

Thank you for your time and feel free to contact me on Bnet if you think i would be a fit.


Hey Dslidd,

Added you in bnet as well. Our raid time looks like it might be slightly out of your availability, but thought I would post just in case you did have some flexibility.

Project Cloverfield (Mal’ganis Server) is expanding with a new daytime Heroic/AOTC raiding group at 11AM Server time / 12PM Eastern Time on Wednesdays. We are currently looking for all roles for players who enjoy raiding, mythic+, PvP, and more.

You can see more information about our guild at our forum post: [H] [Mal'Ganis] <Project Cloverfield> LF Daytime/Morning Raiders for SL (11 AM CST/ST Wed)

Feel free to reach out if you are interested or have any questions!
Battlenet: Noelzy#11138
Discord: Noel#0993