I beg to differ about plagiarisation. Was it wrong of Wow to include Warriors, Paladins, Shaman, Werewolves, Elves, Priests, Hunters, Kings, Dragons, Dragon-kin, Fairies, Worgs, Snake men, etc in the game. Aren’t all of these in thousands of stories in the fantasy genre? Think about it.
And for the most part they are all stereotypes. They all share the same identity and behavior they do in thousands of other fantasy stories games and movies. I really think that demanding that Ratfolk be super unique in Wow is not a requirement for inclusion in the game.
But then again I also realize that everyone has a personal opinion. And that’s what makes for interesting discussion.
Kobolds are a fictional race of humanoid creatures featured in the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game and other fantasy media. They are often depicted as small reptilian humanoids with long tails, distantly related to dragons.
Guess you are referring to:
Meepo a Kobold who shows up in the 3rd Edition adventure module, “The Sunless Citadel” and as a miniature in the “War of the Dragon Queen” set for Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures.
Remember reading the DnD rule books, character sheets, dice rolls, table top grid maps, measuring distances with a ruler, calculating percentages. And painting miniature figures. Now we play Wow and all that is done for us. How our gaming experience has changed with the advent of electronic gaming.
Your comparison is a false one. The specific depiction of a race in one game that you want outright plagiarized is not the same as anything you listed.
They all have either been depicted relatively uniquely at least at one point in WoW, or are literally broad concepts that can’t be plagiarized. Ridiculous.
They’re NOT scary at 10 inches. I find them concerning as I find all wild animals for disease, but otherwise adorable. They are not scarier than even half the creatures we’ve encountered.
I find that a bit harsh. Each person’s perception can be very different from everyone else’s.
And that’s human nature to believe that one’s opinion is better than someone else’s.
I post threads in the hopes of generating friendly conversation about a topic. I know that it is only my personal opinion. Hence I do not resort to accusations to make a point.
What is one persons truth may be another persons falsehood. It is just relative.
A good example of this is:
Most people know that some people see a rat in their living room and run out screaming. So even though you don’t find rats scary you believe that everyone else is like you.
Also you mentioned this:
Correct most of the fantasy genre is composed of literally broad concepts that can’t be plagiarized. Which also includes mythical races.
In literary history. Some author somewhere in the world penned a story which described a Unicorn. Which that author had heard in their childhood told to them by an uncle retelling an old folktail. This magical creature was mentioned again in a multitude of media. And now Wow has unicorns. Wow’s Unicorns have zebra stripes but they are still unicorns.
No. It is not just relative. In some cases it can be, but not always. Including this situation.
Just like Barbie, I was speaking from my own perspective. I do not believe everyone else is like me. However I do argue that rats are not threatening enough for people to be as justifiably frightened of them as so many of them tend to be. For most, it is an irrational fear.
This is another false comparison. As the existence of differing emotional reactions does not mean all comparisons are valid. This is absurd.
Depends on the race, and that race’s history.
How and if something becomes a fixture of pop culture matters. As does how they are used. While Zevras obviously draw inspiration from unicorns, they are different. Not magical in nature, stripes, horn not the stereotypical shape. Meanwhile, compare that to you advocating for literally just ripping a carbon copy from another formally recognized IP, without any proof that Warhammer’s Skaven are this universally used and recognized trope…
Friendly discussion is fine, but I will point out bad arguments when I see them as they are dishonest by nature. It may seem harsh, but it’s better than a discussion hinging on dishonesty.
However the druhkari also torture people for like 20000 years, or take people and put them in that stone material. It stops them from aging but they can still hear and see everything.
They also literally heal from hearing people’s screams of agony xD.
Blood elves are a little messed up, but not that bad xD.
Did i mention how druhkari also used to have blood orgies, then kill each other mid climax? That was before slaanesh was born into existence because of their depravity though.
Alright, with that out of the way, we can discuss something reminiscient of skaven.
Kobolds are the rat people of WoW. They fear the dark, and cling to their candles desperately. But if one were to come into contact with the Void or a servant of the Old Gods somehow, and lured to embrace the dark… perhaps he would end up twisted by the void. Turned into a new race of rat men, kidnapping and tempting other kobolds to join him. A horde of glowing, hungry eyes chittering in the dark, waiting to feast on everything, and everyone. Even each other if nothing else is available. Hating the light, they seek to snuff it out everywhere, until everything is consumed in the dark, before beimg consumed by them.
Kobolds are a fictional race of humanoid creatures featured in the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game and other fantasy media. They are often depicted as small reptilian humanoids with long tails, distantly related to dragons.
So did Wow copy Dungeons and Dragons here? Since Kobolds were first In DnD?
And This:
The kobold’s origins are obscure. Sources equate the domestic kobold with creatures such as the English boggart, hobgoblin and pixie, the Scottish brownie, and the Scandinavian nisse or tomte; while they align the subterranean variety with the Norse dwarf and the Cornish knocker.
Did Wow Steal the Idea from Mythology? Just wondering if we should get upset that Wow has used a ton of fantasy creatures. I say this because you said that I am advocating the stealing of ideas and outright Plagiarism. Which I totally refute.
I’m guessing since Kobolds aren’t an original concept of Wow. Bliz should then removed them from the game. Right?
While we are at it. Wow has a number of creatures that are complete carbon copies of creatures in H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu stories. Originally published in the late 1920 and through 1930s. Even Robert E. Howard wrote similar stories with Cthulhu-ish monsters.
My position is If Wow can have Kobolds. Then we can also have Ratfolk. Just like we have a good number of Elves: Night Elves, Blood Elves, Void Elves, etc. We can have kobolds as well as Evil (Skaven-Like) Ratfolk.
My idea would have them do so, yes. Only they’d see in the dark as if it were light while light obscures as if it were darkness, which reinforces their desire to snuff out light as much as possible.
They’d also be in constant pain caused by hunger… possibly even addicted to eating. The more they eat, the more pain they feel when not eating, and the more the need to eat to even lessen the hunger. Few ever manage to feel sated, and those that do don’t get to appreciate it for long… they turn into void portals, dying in the process.