A New Playable (Skaven-Like) Race: Rat-Folk

Trust me, they aren’t lol.

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Tiger, you don’t seem to have been reading the story since WC2. :3

WoW is about overcoming prejudice and the harm that not doing so will cause. The pain that you’ll bring by letting old hatreds cloud your judgement, and the horrible things people in power will do.
You can ignore that, a whole lotta folks do, but this game isn’t pro-war. It’s very much against it. Has been since WC3.

The only fight worth fighting is to protect your home and family - and WC3 was realizing that we all share that home, together.

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Willowbloom, Warcraft may seem to some to be about what you stated to some nice well meaning people that proclaim to fight honorably the good fight for the just cause.

But Wow was always a basic War Game. And in War there is nothing good period. Just a wealth of hate and suffering. Rat-Folk are experts at that. And then some.

Skaven are a little… hardcore for wow bro lol.

They literally take captive slaves and their own slaves and throw them in abomination pits to make the hell pits abomination lol.

That said ratling guns go dakka dakka.

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It is what you want it to be my friend.
It seems our wants are at odds - and I won’t help bring something like that here. :joy: We’ve had enough bloodshed.

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To the people who have never read a single quest in their life, maybe.


Bri can I just say it always brings a smile to my face whenever someone else actually brings this up - because it’s like - it’s right there. It’s all right there and I don’t know how folks miss it.


This OP has a habit of… not really having all the lights on upstairs, if ya catch my drift.

So it actually wouldn’t surprise me if they’ve never read a single quest lol


Can u imagine a drukhari race too lol?

Oh yea my healer heals our group by torturing helpless and innocent beings cus their screams of torment repair our flesh xD.

My god i love how F’ed up warhammer is haha. Literally THE WORST fictional setting to live in bar none.

Imagine being able to play-play and kill man-things on a daily basis, yes-yes.

You must be talking about the Lore. Well for the most part people really don’t read quest text anymore. They just follow the glowing arrow and quest markers on the maps.

Saying that Wow is not a War simulator is like saying Call of Duty is about selling girl scout cookies.

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A what now? Skaven?

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I…read the lore? The lore is…there? It exists? It’s kinda why everything happens? If you want to ignore that, go ahead, but don’t go pretending the game is something it isn’t. It’s a war simulator, maybe - but it’s not pro-war.
You are walking into the soup store and wondering why there aren’t any clothes friend.

Call of duty, conversely, has no lore I know of that goes as hard as this and is just vaguely pro-war vaguely anti-war bs that I can’t give a hot damn about.

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Because we play WARCRAFT not WARHAMMER :upside_down_face: :man_shrugging:t5: :rofl: :v:t5:


Skaven are rat people who enjoy cannibalism and torturing/mutating things. Oh and lots of wanton murder.

Like… LOTS of murder xD.

Oh lol I see

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Hahaha, love it.

Im a sigmar fan boy though, so bring it on rat-boi! For the empire!

The Lore? Lets see. It’s to bad that some one didn’t tell Sylvanas Wow is a peace loving game, like before she burned down the tree with everyone in it.
And why did she do it?

Sylvanas burned Teldrassil for an age old reason, because it seemed like a good idea at the time.

I feel like a race where the average lifespan is like 2 weeks may make for a challenge

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