A New Hope

I understand that, which is why saying “Blizzard hates us!1” comes across as melodramatic and cringe. They just suck at writing.

No issue with the criticism of Worgen but this forum has been plagued with victimization complexes.

Imagine going to the grocery store and discovering that they’ve discontinued your favorite chip and then coming to the conclusion that management must hate you.


Not really. Because the management doesn’t beat you over the head for liking something different. But Blizzard does regularly moralizes to it’s player base why liking the Orcs, trolls, Worgen, Night Elves are a bad thing and you should feel bad for liking them.

It’s not a coincidence these same races are p|ssed on constantly in the story by either being villan batted every other expac, trolls being treated as nothing more than savages/cannibals most of the time, and well we know how they think of the Elves and worgen.


Can you prove that bad events happening to these fictional races are done because Blizzard wants to punish you for playing them?

Do you really not see how outlandish that sounds?


Its kinda obvious most of the “terrible” stuff happening to races is due to terrible writing.

Alt its just intentional to make you feel something (because apparently that is what a good story should make you feel (ok i worded that poorly, Ehm think of when the ugnaught character in mandalorian died, you feel it, you actually like the character he is noble and kind etc. Emotions etc)) … but the only feeling that you feel is well “like crap”

Well, it is a hyperbole, but imo the point still stands.

Blizzard either can’t or don’t want to dwell into developing culture/ values/ fleshing out anything outside of their comfort zone.

The pattern is very visible :

  • Instead of writing a narrative that worgen can be both a blessing and a curse and taking fun in managing the pros and cons of this condition, they only frame it as something bad that shouldn’t define them.

  • Instead of writing tauren in a complex matter, they’re forever sidekicks especially to more competent night elves, and when they do get the spotlight, it’s not really them but their leader who is the most defined by being peace mongrel and by friendships with his super Alliance pals, instead of being an example of his people, of their virtues and flaws again. Tauren are peaceful, but they’re not peacemongrels. With each expansion the Tauren are becoming less and less attractive as a race because of such shallow treatment.

  • Orcs, instead of going wild with warrior culture, setting up hard rules of stuff that is acceptable and not acceptable to orcs and hone it, they constantly villain bat them and shame them for being brutish. Instead of taking the approach that just because you’re brutish doesn’t mean you can’t use it for good purpose. Just because you like to fight and take trophies, doesn’t mean you have to pick up on weak and innocent. A warrior should take pride in taking a foe equal or greater to them. But since WoD, everything that could be salvaged from orcs was retconned, and they were all-time bad guys instead of a tiny fraction of the “good guys”.

  • and exact same thing happens to trolls, instead of using their savagery and politics seriously, that they could have valid reasons to be upset with someone they’re blatantly villain bat for not bending over for us, and the narrative is that the only good troll is the “domesticated” troll, like Darkspears with their Exile’s reach description
    “Renouncing the savagery of the other tribes”. Funny, because WoD made “Savage” sound as a positive trait, and Darkspears don’t shy from violence. There are plenty of situations where they shown that they can be frightening foes.
    But nope. And on top of that, they can never fight a legit foe that wronged them, no, each time we have to side with trolls it’s against the other made up rogue trolls. This pattern was not only done to death but shows to me that Blizzard is afraid to write trolls having legit grievances with outside foes, and justifying their point of view.

The list can go on and on. And this is why the council is so ugly to me. Because it feels like Horde is defanged in the process, especially with Baine, Calia, belf leader and Thalyssra swooning over Alliance. And Thrall returning just to be passive-aggressive and showing what a waste of time Horde is.




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Ahaha, tell me some more jokes yeah?

  • Night elves shine in druidism, which they were introduced with, not tauren. It is the same with orc shamanism. Tauren do in fact shine in other instances, Huln being a good example.
  • Night elf culture is a watered down version of their introduction, arguably not even the same anymore . Any positives have only ever come with huge negatives to counter them.
  • Night elves are only competent now (highly debatable) because there have been a million complaints of their incompetence since their introduction in WoW, having been the setting’s “declining race”

Likewise. I won’t be content with a zone i hardly cared for though. Ashenvale or bust.

Lemme guess most of this thread is the same old whinging?

scrolls down.



Ashenvale is a beautiful zone. And when was the last time Darkshore was relevant? Back in vanilla questing?

I would say Cata because that is the first time we get to see Malfurion in WoW isn’t it? I mean I don’t particularly care about him, I like Tyrande more, but I feel like that was a big moment.

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Oh yeah, when he did the whole Shaman thing with the winds and such…which I found odd. But it’s whatever. :gift_heart:

He is in Darnassus as well before that.

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Jeesh, way to miss a point.
I’m not saying that nelves didn’t get misstreatment. I’m saying that when tauren are used it’s only as a sidekicks, they never have a plot of their own, the only time they did was in MoP and it was mirroring nelves.

My point is for them to have truly unique plot on their own, where we learn about their politics, needs and culture. To try to make their druidism distinct, maybe try to search native american mythos and involve it in Tauren folklore?


This drives me insane, I hate this so much. I feel like as time goes on, these races are written more and more to look “civilised”.

Not all Trolls, you see

Yeah, because the only way to not be evil in this universe is to be like humans.


Druids were able to use nature as a whole, thats canon since wc3.

Weren’t other troll tribes doing stuff like canibalism and sacrificing themselves for their blood loas?

So what? Listen, if the trolls feel like eating someone instead of… say, executing them, that’s their business. If someone wants to die in the name of their loa, they can do that too. I don’t believe most Loa even ask for blood, anyway.

The issue is how you frame all of that.


If trolls were getting sacrificed without wanting that by other more violent trolls, and if the horde was like: “Yo, come to the Horde, we have Honor and spikes”, then I feel that they really left behind a more savage lifestyle that didn’t benefit them, but i know next to nothing about Troll lore, not for me to judge.

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Invading other tribes and killing their people for their own Loa that the original tribe had no loyalty to is a different perspective, I think.

Also, I want trolls to be kinda gross and problematic and I stand by the opinion that it’s not synonymous with “evil”.

You don’t get it.

Being Savage is not equal to being evil.
Making Sacrifice to Loa doesn’t equal being evil.

Darkspears despite showing their savagery and Dark Rituals can manage very well, they can fight dirty, they can go berserk and cause carnage. It shouldn’t be deemed evil so long on what they use it on.

When we’re surrounded by various threats it’s even awesome to look menacing against your own foes.
I would want for people to run from trolls in fear! They can be absolute worst against enemies, and be totally chill bros outside of war.

But this game frames savagery as something bad, period. While spending so much time in WoD using savage as something dignified.
I don’t want for trolls to be turned into humans, that they understand honor the same way and have the same values. I don’t want for their traits to be made to look evil, and twist them to something they’re not just to show that they’re not evil. They’re actually morally grey race.

I want for the narrative to finally acknowledge their right to the land that they occupy, their right to defend themselves even if they can be savage about it, and don’t frame them as evil when they’re not bending over for us.