[A] [New Guild] <Comfortably Numb> LF members!

Hi, I’m Legend of the Alliance and I’ve played World of Warcraft since the start of the original Wrath of the Lich King back in 2008. I started this guild because oftentimes I find myself in guilds where only a few people run things together while you just sit there left out watching them having fun, there’s only one type of event on the calendar every week, and members have little power or influence over anything.

We are looking for members that are interested in doing M+, rated BGs, and more. The guild is designed to accept player input for event requests and empower members to do what they want, not just what a few high-ranking guildies want.

I welcome input on some things in addition to the current design which would make for a better guild than most of us have experienced.

Guild Discord Features:

  • Channel Directory
  • DJ Robo Boi in the music voice channel with a command guide
  • Transmog channel
  • Screenshot channel
  • Event request channel
  • Admin room to discuss any moderation actions taken against you
  • Guild Text to Guild Voice chat (for when you cant use your mic but still want to participate in voice chat).

Established guilds seem to be stuck in their ways and that won’t change so let’s be the change we want to see right?

HMU via in-game mail, PST me for the invite, or apply here: discord.gg/3xAFhAvWeB

Guild Rules:

1: No negativity
2: No spam
3: Nothing that breaks the game or the rules of the game can be shared in Discord
4: No cliques (these make people feel like outcasts in their own guild)
5: No begging other members for gold
6: Treat others how you want to be treated
7: If you want to talk about any moderation activity taken against you then request a time to speak in the admin room on the server. (You will be given access to the admin room text channel and placed in the admin room voice chat channel to hear admin replies). You are given a chance to do this for any violation of the rules for the sake of fairness just in case. Any discussion of moderation activity in any other channels will result in a ban from the server.
8: No trolling

I love asmongold! he’s such a based person, I don’t get how you can hate him.

I might move to austin for the hopes of running into streamers!

You can now apply to the guild via Discord!


I’ve decided to disband the guild because I can’t recruit anyone in. I knew no one cares before I started the guild so I didn’t have any expectations; not disappointed. Gonna just game alone I guess; whatever.