I vouch for them getting the Cata Worgen treatment IF this guarantees Calia bites the dust and the Forsaken dodge that much worse bullet… but that´s just me.
they say it in shadow rising they are going to rebuild the city of lordaeron
Just like the gnomes have been retaking Gnomeregan… since vanilla.
it’s different, gnomeregan is a dungeon
Yeah atleast a dungeon has value. They won’t give night elf and Forsaken new cities unless there is a purpose for it.
Little push up. Topic is still relevant.
I really hope they give us Stratholme or Andorhal. Ive always really disliked Undercity, not for it’s visuals or lore (those are nice) but getting to it has always been annoying.
It also doesn’t much fit into an alliance of races, as few would ally with someone when they don’t know who they’re allying with.
If the Alliance had taken Lordaeron, I could have seen that happening. But with the Forsaken taking it back I don’t see the point.
I don’t mean dungeon as in instance. I mean dungeon as in dungeon.
Anyway, I still say it’s time to convert the whole thing to a necropolis and just leave.
I deeply hope we get undercity back. Even better make it into a necropolis. That would be my dream for a new capital.
Well, the thing is, the recent events showed how vulnerable Undercity is. So should the forsaken trust the alliance overall and Turalyon specifically, so much that they would go to the same place?
I mean, wasn’t the Varoks goal to make Telsdrassil hostage? Undercity is just as “in the middle of nowhere” and a problematic place if the alliance would get it. Sounds to me like the forsaken might without a single weapon swing do what the entire horde could not with the original Teldrassil plan.
And do it with extra style points: Turalyon is from Lordaeron, so that would win him over to be more tolerant to the forsaken and the horde, the horde will get easy and vulnerable target in case of another conflict. And if the alliance will pressure, the horde can always point at how generous they were and how the alliance is abusing their good will. Could be a way to use one part of the alliance to pressure others on the political front.
If there will be obtained new knowledge of how to fix things done by the scourge, the entire Plaguelands are also part of the ex-Lordaeron territories. And Stratholme is an iconic place in the game.
I have a few extra thought on why that could be a good idea to move to Stratholme from Undercity, but it’s just a lengthy rant.
When the capital city of Lordaeron existed in it’s original form it was a good-enough place. Dalaran and Alterac could reinforce that place, and prevent it from being fully surrounded. Besides, Stratholme could help to deal with the potential enemies attacking from the north via the sea. It is not hard to notice, that not much of those things still exist, not to mention that ruins are ruins, not the best defensive structure.
These days Undercity could be sieged from the north, from the west, the main source of water is also the source of whatever turned into the blight, so sustaining the garrison that is not all undead could be a huge problem, it is very out of the way for every horde nation, there is no real way for the horde navy to have a good hold there and protect the place.
But here is the deal. Undercity is not the only place that suffered from the scourge and the plague. That affected all of Plaguelands too. And it is also a part of ex-Lordaeron territories. So if during the events in Shadowlands mortals will learn how to address this all they can also learn how to fix Plaguelands. And in Plaguelands, there is Stratholme. Is it any good?
- in has easy access to the sea, making it a great stronghold for naval protection of the horde on this side
- it is an open area, so blocking sea side would be very hard
- Plaguelands is a gateway to Quel’Thalas. Not only in can help to protect this place, but also to get reinforcements from there
- it has natural defense in a form of mountains that would strongly limit the number of enemies that could try to siege the place
- if the forsaken learn how to deal with the scourge, this is a place where they can get plenty of extra undead, that are easily anti-alliance (if not even anti-Menethil)
- the scourge around the area can be an extra line of defense that could be very welcome for the forsaken, since they were rather badly defeated and need all the help they can get on that front.
But, of course, nostalgia is strong with Undercity.
PS: thanks to Khallar for the feedback on the Undercity topic.
gl hf
This is an argument that is brought up quite often also in terms of Teldrassil. But:
Firstly every city in WOW that was destroyed (Stormwind, Silvermoon, etc) was rebuilt exactly where it was.
Secondly every city no matter where can be besieged and ultimately destroyed once the enemy gets close enough and you are unable to defend.
The same can happen with Stratholm and also with Hyjal.
What ultimately made the Siege of Teldrassil successfull was (if we completely ignore how bad and stupid the writing was), that for some reason the entire sentinel army was ordered to Silithus (by Anduin btw) and the entire Alliance refused to send help.
So how could something like that be prevented in the future: Not by setteling somehwere else but by telling Anduin to shove it.
The sentinel army would have been able to defend Teldrassil just fine so in a future situation NEs would (again let alone bad writing) never again leave their lands unprotected and engage in worldwide warfare.
Hello again.
True. I also think that nostalgia factor should not be underestimated and it is more likely to get the same capitals back.
But it is the first time there is a real opportunity to take a risk and try something new. Besides, I do not see that many night elf fans disliking Hyjal or forsaken fans outright disliking Stratholme. Could be fun.
gl hf
Oh no don’t get me wrong please, it is not a try to advocate against it.
As I have said somewhere else, personally I would prefer Hyjal. It allways buffeled my that in WoW NEs just planted Teldrasssil instead of setteling on or around their most sacret place and the sole reason for their long vigil.
I allways disliked Teldrassil and found it to be rather an odd choice.
But on the other hand, like you have said, we have a lot of nostalgia and also rebuilding these two cities would do the most clean cut under the worst expansion in WoW history and prevents it from casting its shadow further onto new expansions and stories.
The whole Teldrassil thing was not received well, not from NEs not from the Horde who will forever be basically n*zis now.
Also for some reason I would really, really love to see a Teldrassil built with new tech that really resembles the artworks. I would love to see what Blizzards awesome artists are capable of creating here.
Eat a flag for this attack.
The wording doesn’t seem like an attack at all, though. She’s using it in the context of horde players not liking that the faction ended up being portrayed that way. I know I’ve made similar comments all throughout this expansion.
Strath should just get fix up as the new forsaken capital city; its been so long, it makes no sense for it to still be a dungeon. and for the dungeon version it would simply be a time traveling thing like the rest of the leveling experience pre-bfa contents.
The other is give the left side of Silvermoon City to the forsaken.
Teldrassil should not return, the Night Elves should have Hyjal as their capital so Ashenvale can be a strong front like how it’s suppose to be; it never made sense that the Night Elves would choose Teldrassil as their capital when Hyjal is more important.
totally agree with you, but they should not give undercity to the alliance; instead it should be the capital for the scarlet crusade so it will be hostile to both factions & we can have a raid for it.
Like I said, I would prefer Hyjal since it makes more sense. It even did back in classic.
But I also like to see how Devs would built Teldrassil today.
I agree.
Would not be fair to give the Alliance both basically th eNE cit back AND Lordaeron.
I still would like to see the undercity gone but instead them building inside the ruins some kind of a pale gravyard style city or so.
ok, I didn’t read most of the post so I missed that post you made; maybe they can turn it into a class place for Druid, Paladin & Shaman and change moonglade to a questing zone for night elves. And for the store why its a class place for those 3 classes is that the Druids & Shaman are trying to restore the tree while there are many angry souls stuck in the world because of what happened so the Paladins also set up base there to help fight the undeads. Also something for the 3 original hybrid classes and the classes that actually had Orders form around their class before Legion.