A New Class Means a New Class Color!

I personally was thinking of coral pink/red but it might be a challenge to make sure it is clearly distinguishable from both paladin pink and death knight red.

to close to monk and hunter.

a warrior is beige-ish. there is no dark brown class color. evoker should be a dark brown. it will stand out better. a brown like the background of this thread wallpaper.

Should have picked a different color.

I’m so excited for Evoker. But I think all of the class colours should be completely re-done as they don’t really make sense. For example why is a druid not green? Why are they orange? Here is what I would make each class:

DK - Black
Why? Because they’re the most goth class you can get in WoW. They’re all about death. So they should obviously be the most emo color.

Druid - Dark Green
I mean, they are THE nature plant-growing class so it only makes sense that they get to be green.

Warrior - Red
Most of their spells are red… they’re literally WARRIORS. Nothing suits a warrior more than red.

Rogue - Brown
That brown color that warriors have I think would suit this class better. If there’s one thing I learned from the Freehold dungeon is that Rogues love their brown.

Hunter - Orange
In real life I know lots of hunters who wear blaze orange when hunting so this color for hunter makes more sense than green. Plus we already have too many green classes.

Evoker - Pink
Since I take Pink away from Paladins means Pink doesn’t have a class anymore. So I think we could give it to Evokers. They are experiments made by Deathwing with spells made up of abilities from all of the different flights, and so they remind me of the chromatic dragons a lot, which we know were mostly pink in color with blue details. Also pink is a very magical color so I think it works great with this class.

Monk - Mint
The color they have now already is perfect and goes great with their mist spells! If their class color was perhaps a bit whiter as well than it currently is, that’d be great.

Mage - Light Blue
Works great as is!

Shaman - Dark Blue
Again, works wonderfully for shaman.

Warlock - Dark Purple
What they have now is OK, but I’d make it more of a dark purple again. Their current color is a bit too mana-ish and Warlocks are more based on their soul-sucking demonic rituals and such, which I imagine to be more dark and sinister. A nice dark purple like what the DHs currently have suits the warlock better.

DH - Fel Green
Most of their powers are fel based plus who can forget the iconic fel-green Warglaives of Azzinoth along with the fact that their eyes are Fel green too.

Paladin - Gold
Never knew why they are pink in the first place. Most of their spells are yellow/golden for crying out loud!

Priest - White

Tinker (If it ever gets added) - Dark Teal/Cyan
I think this color looks really good, if not it could be a bit more bluish to keep it from being confused with monk and druid. It makes a great electricity color which I think makes more sense for a tinker class in the future.