Updated the OP. Thank you to all the guildies who filled out the raid survey! The mythic roster will be out by the end of the week, and we are still accepting new members for the weekend casual raid team and M+ nights.
Still 30-40 strong each night with a very active guild chat full of people to do things with. If you're looking for an active guild, hit us up!
Updated the OP - our mythic team would like to add a MW monk to the roster, but we are open to having one more healer main (non-druid).
Merry Raidmas Eve everyone! Still recruiting players for the weekend casual raiding and M+.
Great work so far this week! Our mythic trial team is 7/8 normal and 1/8 heroic Uldir. Casual raid team assembles tomorrow!
Updated the OP with the current guild recruitment needs. Our casual team downed 5/8 bosses in normal Uldir tonight! Great work everyone!
Did a few more heroic bosses tonight for funsies. Our mythic team is now 4/8 heroic! Check the OP for current recruiting needs.
Best wishes to y'all! You guys are some fun people to see out in the world! I hope you guys get so many purples when you get 8/8H! :D
09/10/2018 11:25 PMPosted by CariBest wishes to y'all! You guys are some fun people to see out in the world! I hope you guys get so many purples when you get 8/8H! :D
Thanks! Good luck to your crew as well!
Great raid today! We one-shottted the first 4 bosses and killed the 5th on heroic. Going to get our faces stomped Thursday on Zul.
Heroic Zul kicked our asses for a bit, but we skipped to mythic and got Taloc down. Great work everyone!
We somehow managed to kill a mythic boss. Thank you to my healers for bodily carrying me through the encounter.
Thanks! <3 All the best to you as well.
09/10/2018 11:25 PMPosted by CariBest wishes to y'all! You guys are some fun people to see out in the world! I hope you guys get so many purples when you get 8/8H! :D
Thanks! <3 All the best to you as well.
Our casual team hit 7/8 Normal and another Heroic Taloc kill on Friday! Great work everyone, especially for having no ilevel requirements and a one night raid. =D
Great hustle in M+ last week - over 10 M+10 or higher were run in guild! Let's push it even higher this week!
Heroic Zul is dead! Headed back to mythic on Thursday.
Our casual team is headed into normal today! Let's get some loot!
Normal G'huun is dead!
We found casual team raid leads, and they have graciously volunteered to extend the raid to Saturday. Updated the OP, and great work this week getting to 4/8 H weekend warriors!
Also - congrats to those who participated in our first guild RBGs Saturday!
Also - congrats to those who participated in our first guild RBGs Saturday!
Great work tonight mythic team! Mythic Mother and Heroic Mythrax didn't know what hit 'em.
We have added many new players to our roster and want to set up a second Heroic progression team for Tues/Thurs from 8-11 server. To make this happen we are going to need a raid lead. Reach out to Tikkun#1665 if you're interested - we are happy to train you!
We have added many new players to our roster and want to set up a second Heroic progression team for Tues/Thurs from 8-11 server. To make this happen we are going to need a raid lead. Reach out to Tikkun#1665 if you're interested - we are happy to train you!
I was sacrificed to MOTHER to secure the kill. On the bright side it gave me time to get a drink and browse female bowser memes while my flunkies secured the kill. On a more serious note, good work to everyone!