The fabulous Proto tanked a 23 upper on her prot pally last night. Kudos to her!
07/27/2018 07:53 AMPosted by KaylaeThe fabulous Proto tanked a 23 upper on her prot pally last night. Kudos to her!
We are running Heroic Antorus Sunday to help get some friends their birb mount - happy to trial anyone who may be interested!
One more bump before raid tomorrow. Happy to trial people and help them get the bird mount!
Great job on what looks to be our last Heroic raid before BFA releases, and big congrats to all those who earned their mounts! Awesome hustle in Legion guildies! I can't wait to see what we can accomplish in BFA. New friends are still welcome and we will run M+ until BFA is launched.
Updated the OP with the plan for BFA. No specific recruiting needs at the moment, and all are still welcome to join.
Im gonna be maining a Blood DK and this hunter will be an alt, also i have like 3 more friends looking for guild.
So im interested, ill try to contact you in game.
So im interested, ill try to contact you in game.
08/10/2018 03:43 PMPosted by PacogIm gonna be maining a Blood DK and this hunter will be an alt, also i have like 3 more friends looking for guild.
So im interested, ill try to contact you in game.
Looking forward to it!
General announcement: I am putting together one more Violet Spellwing mount run tomorrow (08/12) at 8 server. I was able to get a lockout for Argus only! All are welcome!
My friend and I have returned to the game after being gone for several months.
Joined the guild this evening. I'm hoping to get in on the higher mythic+ pushing and any coordinated PvP stuff. I'd love to commit to "raiding" however I can't commit to set evenings as my firefighter schedule is odd at times. While I'm online just as much as I was in the past, the evenings that I'm online are always changing.
I look forward to new friends and new memories.
Joined the guild this evening. I'm hoping to get in on the higher mythic+ pushing and any coordinated PvP stuff. I'd love to commit to "raiding" however I can't commit to set evenings as my firefighter schedule is odd at times. While I'm online just as much as I was in the past, the evenings that I'm online are always changing.
I look forward to new friends and new memories.
08/11/2018 08:42 PMPosted by ToffletrigMy friend and I have returned to the game after being gone for several months.
Joined the guild this evening. I'm hoping to get in on the higher mythic+ pushing and any coordinated PvP stuff. I'd love to commit to "raiding" however I can't commit to set evenings as my firefighter schedule is odd at times. While I'm online just as much as I was in the past, the evenings that I'm online are always changing.
I look forward to new friends and new memories.
Welcome aboard! Between the weekday raid and weekend raid, we can probably get you in even with a crazy schedule. We have a LOT of M+ fans in guild who run daily.
Final Violet Spellwing mount run of the xpac starts in 40 minutes! Anyone is welcome!
That's a wrap for legion. Many of our friends from Over The Hills have decided to merge with us. Still looking for more!
Almost 60 members online for BFA launch day! Great hustle everyone - we have many already at 120. Guildies are grouping together for islands, normal, heroic, and mythic dungeons or just kickin' it in guild chat. If this sounds like something you're looking for, join our crew!
Hey, how's it going? I actually left my old guild because i switched to Alliance this expansion and wanted to know if it was possible to join Mythically Mediocre. I'm not a serious raider, but I used to join my old guild's casual Heroic runs, which were absolutely perfect for me since i dont get much time to play.
I was never really a hindrance and i'm good at learning mechanics, but i'm not SUPER effecient with my DPS output. Anyway, I think personally I cap out at Heroic raiding, but your schedule entices me a lot.
I'd be super interested in joining!
I was never really a hindrance and i'm good at learning mechanics, but i'm not SUPER effecient with my DPS output. Anyway, I think personally I cap out at Heroic raiding, but your schedule entices me a lot.
I'd be super interested in joining!
08/16/2018 04:57 PMPosted by VentisHey, how's it going? I actually left my old guild because i switched to Alliance this expansion and wanted to know if it was possible to join Mythically Mediocre. I'm not a serious raider, but I used to join my old guild's casual Heroic runs, which were absolutely perfect for me since i dont get much time to play.
I was never really a hindrance and i'm good at learning mechanics, but i'm not SUPER effecient with my DPS output. Anyway, I think personally I cap out at Heroic raiding, but your schedule entices me a lot.
I'd be super interested in joining!
We'd be happy to have you! Our casual raid will take place on the weekend (not sure which day/time until we take a poll for BFA, but it's usually evening server time). Reach out to me in-game for an invite. =)
Welcome to the new faces! In another week we'll be starting to put together our raid rosters. It's a great time to join!
The raiding survey went up yesterday for our members. It will be up for around a week before we start working on the roster. If you're interested in raiding with us, now's the time.
If you would have me I'd love to join. Dirty rogue since BC, so that's usually my main though I'll likely be raising my priest soon enough. Occasionally I'll even use my interrupts.
I may be interested in joining! I'm looking for a guild raiding on tues-weds-thursdays. I mostly play boomy for PVE but can also off heal when needed and play Feral mostly for PVP. I will message you when i see you on for more details. Thanks!
08/23/2018 05:09 AMPosted by DreygonasIf you would have me I'd love to join. Dirty rogue since BC, so that's usually my main though I'll likely be raising my priest soon enough. Occasionally I'll even use my interrupts.
Welcome aboard! Interrupting is my favorite!
08/24/2018 08:19 AMPosted by LunabearrI may be interested in joining! I'm looking for a guild raiding on tues-weds-thursdays. I mostly play boomy for PVE but can also off heal when needed and play Feral mostly for PVP. I will message you when i see you on for more details. Thanks!
Feel free to message me on Bnet whenever. It goes to my phone, so I respond to chats regularly. Our mythic raid team will run Tues/Thurs from 8-11 p.m., and Wednesday is one of our M+ key nights. Our casual raid is being voted on currently, but it will be one day on the weekend. I'm happy to chat more with you about it whenever you get a chance. =)
We're still accepting new friends!