*** We are doing a final push for this raid tier. Raid 1 will be focusing on getting kills and gear for our Raid 2 players on farm bosses, and pushing for optimal class comps for progression bosses. New raiders are still being recruited to prep for the next raid tier. ***
Looking for more for RBGs - especially healers. Preferably Disc Priest, MW, or Rdruid.
(Updated 11/09/2018)
<Mythically Mediocre> is recruiting active players for guild events. We have multiple raid groups, M+ nights, and RBG events. Our event lineup is as follows:
M+ is a daily occurrence in guild, so those who enjoy M+ are highly encouraged to join even if they do not raid. On key nights we have been fortunate to run 5-7 M+ teams simultaneously, and the focus is getting as many guildies as possible their +10 for the week. High key pushes typically happen on the "off" key nights or after the bulk of our players complete their weekly +10. Schedule: Monday/Wednesday starting at 8 p.m. server.
Raid Team 1 is 8/8 N Uldir, 8/8 H Uldir, and 3/8 M Uldir. Team 1 is progressing on Zek'voz and pushed him down to 18%. Schedule: Tuesday/Thursday from 8-11 p.m. server
Raid Team 2 is 8/8 H Uldir and 1/8 M Uldir. Team 2 focuses on AOTC and casual mythic progression. Schedule: Tuesday/Thursday from 8-11 p.m. server.
The Casual Team is 8/8 N Uldir and 7/8 H Uldir. This raid team typically starts with normal and knocks out as many bosses on heroic as possible. Alts and players new to raiding are welcome. Schedule: Friday/Saturday from 8-11 p.m server.
RBGs are run for fun, hippos, and achieves. We have several players floating around the 1800 bracket. Schedule: Saturday at 4 p.m. server and Sunday at 8 p.m. server.
Guild members are free to create events. We have a large roster of active players and average between 20-50 players a night during the week with an active guild chat. Don't be intimidated by our size; our guildies are very helpful.
Legion Accomplishments:
5/9 Mythic ToS
6/11 Mythic Antorus
Mythic keystones in the mid-20s
Multiple 2k arena players
And as a dedicated member of Emerald Dream I'd love to tell you all our RP backstory, but it's a wee bit too raunchy for these delicate forums. Of course the story begins in Goldshire....
If interested, add me on bnet - Tikkun#1665. Bnet messages go straight to my phone, so I'm pretty quick on the response.
Feel free to armory me, or hey check logs. Also thanks for the bump!
06/15/2018 01:46 AMPosted by
I'd love to tell you all our RP backstory, but it's a wee bit too raunchy for these delicate forums.
Go on...
My dear sir, the privacy of our clients is held in the highest regard.
06/15/2018 01:46 AMPosted by
I'd love to tell you all our RP backstory, but it's a wee bit too raunchy for these delicate forums.
Go on...
She's a draenei who added additional tentacles via helmet. Don't even get me started about hoof polishing day...
06/14/2018 09:26 PMPosted by
Feel free to armory me, or hey check logs. Also thanks for the bump!
The logs that show how you are just pugging in people to carry you?
06/15/2018 02:43 PMPosted by
06/14/2018 09:26 PMPosted by
Feel free to armory me, or hey check logs. Also thanks for the bump!
The logs that show how you are just pugging in people to carry you?
Feel free to make whatever conclusions you like from the information available! I'm gonna put you on ignore now since you're just here to provoke a reaction, but feel free to keep bumping our recruitment thread if you wish. Good luck in your future endeavors.
Updated the OP - we're adding a heroic raid on Saturdays.
I'd perhaps be interested for BFA. I'm a former mythic raider going slightly casual in BFA and this sounds like a group I could get behind. I'm a little too behind right now (only around ~940 ilvl) but I'd be interested for sure.
06/17/2018 12:21 AMPosted by
06/15/2018 11:51 AMPosted by
Don't even get me started about hoof polishing day...
*gets the butter*
Oh, you're already familiar with hoof polishing day I see!
06/17/2018 12:51 AMPosted by
I'd perhaps be interested for BFA. I'm a former mythic raider going slightly casual in BFA and this sounds like a group I could get behind. I'm a little too behind right now (only around ~940 ilvl) but I'd be interested for sure.
Talk to Proto or myself in game about an invite. We're definitely looking to have a good group of people to do BFA content with, casual or hardcore. We have a lot of long time members who play casually.
06/17/2018 12:51 AMPosted by
I'd perhaps be interested for BFA. I'm a former mythic raider going slightly casual in BFA and this sounds like a group I could get behind. I'm a little too behind right now (only around ~940 ilvl) but I'd be interested for sure.
I added my bnet info to the OP so it's easier to find me. I have....too many alts.
Thanks to the magic of free concordance we are now 6/11M. Woo!
Guild info is updated!
We are now specifically looking for M+ tanks for our M+ nights (see OP) and for our heroic raid.
Bumping - still recruiting for BFA.
Proto is a super pleasant person to play with, 10/10 would gladly titanslay with again.
07/14/2018 09:16 AMPosted by
Proto is a super pleasant person to play with, 10/10 would gladly titanslay with again.
D'awww thanks Destry! #Titanslayers4life
Shameless bump - still recruiting!
Bumping again! We've slowed down until BFA, but are still running M+ and a weekly casual heroic raid.