[A] <Mysthicc> recruiting relaxed raiders who are casually progressing for AOTC. (Tue/Wed)

Hey fellas, our fresh new guild Mysthicc is currently seeking out experienced raiders who are looking to join a no-pressure raid team. We are aiming to progress through Castle Nathria with heroic on farm, but we will initially start by clearing normal first for a smooth transition into heroic.

We raid on both Tuesday/Wednesday evenings at 6pm-9pm realm time. (4-7 PST)(7-10 EST).

We currently have tanks filled and are actively looking for more heals and dps to fill the roster. We also enjoy running high m+ and upping our raiderio scores for fun! :slight_smile:

This is a great opportunity if you are just coming back for Shadowlands and have yet to get into a casual AOTC group. We have not started yet and we will as soon as the roster is filled! If this sounds like its up your alley, please feel free to message me, an officer, or anybody online.

Nathan#11734 (Buchi in-game) Discord: naet#5102
Eclair#11676 (Ridelle in-game) Discord: Ridelle#0001