A month in since MC opened, no raid loot

The classic experience: playing the game is the reason to play and that’s fun. It’s not about loot. Pick a different genre and game. Though I doubt you’d be happy with anything.

The average LC guild right now is basically just HR for raids.

5-15 alpha gamer friends who have been playing together for years, who will “LC” all the best items to each other while giving everyone else 2nd, 3rd and 4th bis. When the real good stuff drops, you don’t actually have a chance.

LC makes sense in progression situations. But this is MC and Ony on a 20 year old game, lol.

LC is just HR for raids.



Loot has to drop in the first place, there are 15 warriors and 5 rogues in the GDKP that want that loot too.

dude thinks in a group of 40 on the first 3 resets he would actually have a chance at loot that A. still has to drop and B. has to have the most gold for.

All it takes is 1 dude who is completely irresponsible with IRL money to swipe that onslaught girdle away from you and then wow congrats on your gold… you still have no items… so youre in the same spot as you are now.

Keep seething tho bud.

Hmmm funny last I checked personal loot isn’t a thing …

Forced personal loot, with the removal of master looter, is probably the worst thing added to wow apart from raid finder

Im not a fan of personal loot by any means but raider finder is probably 1,000 to 10,000 times more damaging than personal loot ever was.

They arent remotely close on the “damage to the game” scale of things.

If only there was a loot system that gave loot out evenly. Oh yeah SK.


I’m still level 53. Just got back from a long trip. Also no loot. :frowning:

Playing the game just to get raid loot is a very retail mentality. Classic is supposed to be a long, hard journey to get what you want. It makes it all the better when you finally do get something.


You’re the type of person that plays mage and can’t afford their mount at 40.


This, TBH.

RMT is worse than ever specifically because there are no GDKPs. If people actually cared about RMT they would want harsher punishments against gold buying/gold selling. All the “anti-GDKP” people don’t even play the game and just spend all day posting on the forum.


Is three weeks of raiding not a reasonable amount of time to expect a single item?

At what point would it be reasonable to expect a single item? 4 lockouts? 10? 16?

Anniversary is a shortened timeline, there is a legitimate concern of having 40 people geared out enough for Naxx content without having to go back to BWL/AQ40 every single week.

People like you seem completely detached from reality.


They genuinely believe that every single guild is somehow going to make time to do MC/BWL and AQ40 every reset when we know for a fact even in 2019 many guilds disbanded during AQ40 or used both of their raid nights to only clear AQ40.

Either that or they somehow think the amount of loot won’t be an issue because they got everything they needed in each tier during 2019 and can’t comprehend that 3 months is less than 6 months and they’re definitely going to be missing key items even if they never miss a lockout.

SoD dropped 13 extra items in the 3 chests at the end of BWL, I only got 3 pieces of tier. Never missed a lockout. Despite half the raid size and way more loot. I got most of my items at the end of the tier, including a crul the literal last week before AQ opened. And I had 0 competition from other warriors.

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I have 2 60s, and 2 48s. Ive done MC 6 times already.

What have you accomplished bud. you know nothing. Stop typing.

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It’s already back :upside_down_face:

I highly suggest you try gearing outside of raid like all of us do. Even in sod if you wanted to 99 you had to pvp and craft gear, same as this. Get on that AV grind in a week.

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I’m rank 14 on sod, the rank gear is useless on warrior, worse stat wise than T1, the weapons were a nice upgrade atleast.

How is it worse than ever because of no gdkps. Show the class your work. Don’t be shy.

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It’s gonna be just as easy to r14 this. I also suggest not playing dps warrior if gear is your main source of fun, cuz you signed up to not get it.

Case in points this is my anniversary character.

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