ofc wow players buy gold and ofc some of the gdkp users buy gold but also people buy gold for
so would you be fine if blizzard removed boe from game or made them BOP, and if blizzard changed the whole loot system to personal loot to fight RMT !!! just because some players buy gold for those things listed above???
this is what blizzard done to the gdkp users, they punished them all just because some players buy gold, and for that i believe that instead of banning gdkp they could work on banning gold buying instantly with IP ban or something to completely put fear into any gold buyer instead of banning gdkp s a whole.
just to clarify, i don’t even care about gdkp existence or it’s ban, but i’ve been saying that since classic launch 2019 there was millions of gold being sold on 3rd party sites, it existed early 2019 before gdkp take over the pugs, and even now when gdkp is banned the numbers of gold buying is still huge even though anniversary community isn’t huge as classic 2019, so i wish blizzard work better in banning gold buying instead of being lazy and banning gdkp while leaving tons of other things that people buy gold for.