{A} MINT on Stormrage. LFM mythic raiding

Who are we and what can you expect from us?

Mint is currently looking for anyone interested in mythic progression with a semi-hardcore guild. We enjoy having a laugh while also pushing for progression as hard as possible in our two-day raiding week. Our experienced leaders have led guilds since TBC, and can guarantee a competitive mythic raid team. Our goal is to achieve Cutting-Edge by the end of each tier.
As for the social part, a lot of our raiders like doing m+ dungeons every day and you can almost always find us online on discord. We also like to meet new people as in if you join us as a trial we would love for you to speak to us and share your stories and thoughts.


  • Serious and committed attitude to raiding
  • 85% attendance
  • High level of your class knowledge
  • Raid boss fights preparation (Don’t expect to turn up without knowing what’s going on with the expectation of being carried)
  • Working microphone (at the very least be able to listen)
    Required addons installed and updated.

Raid Times:
9-12 Eastern Tuesday, Wednesday


  • 4/8M TEP
  • 8/8H TEP
  • 3/9M BOD
  • 2/2H CE

Recruitment Needs:

We recruit the player not the class. No elitists here, but you will be judged on performance and attendance. All spots are competitive, even if our need is very low we will always trial any exceptional applicant. The following is a priority list by need:

Melee DPS: Low
Ranged DPS: Low
Healer: Low (priest, Pally, Monk)
Tank: Full

If we’ve piqued your interest at all, please give any of us officers a shout!
We do discord interviews no application required.

Haiwire haiwire#11135(Raid lead) Discord Hai#4241
Swiz Madflavor#1783 (officer) Discord Swiz#6087
Gwennova Gwennett#1966 (GM)
Ghostdonkey travjumba#1239 (officer)