I watched one die and I spat on him.
It felt amazing!
Then I quickly put him on ignore so he couldn’t yell at me, and he probably raged and speared his monitor.
I watched one die and I spat on him.
It felt amazing!
Then I quickly put him on ignore so he couldn’t yell at me, and he probably raged and speared his monitor.
No don’t!!! I got about 20 stacks of medium leather the other day in Duskwood from the worgs. It was amazing. I made like 2 gold.
If you’re doing this on a PVP server to your own faction you can get banned for griefing.
If you’re doing this on a PVP server and they’re on the other faction you probably won’t get banned for griefing.
If you’re doing this on a HC server you will get banned for griefing regardless of their faction.
Risk VS Reward; I never illuminated the rules, just what can be done. One could say that a AoE’n mage who’s bogarting all the mobs is guilty also of griefing.
Their actions don’t actively cause your character to face negative consequecnes.
You just can’t quest where you want to.
You intentionally getting them killed has direct actions on their character.
They’re being a selfish jerk.
You being a toxic jerk back doesn’t help and might end up with you getting a free vacation.
While true it cannot be proven because rogues are invisible and who’s to say the rogue just felt he could not win that fight so vanished to re-set and the mage just was in the wrong place at the wrong time. OOOPSEEEE.
The combat logs that show you sapping the mob right after they pulled and then vanishing so it leashes back to them.
Also likely the chat logs where you said colourful things to the mage after they refused to party with you.
Sap requires the NPC is not in combat, the logs would show exactly the opposite and show that the mage did not tag that NPC specifically counting on his body pull to gather. In this situation the mage did not account for the clearly SAP target, and this miscalculation of depending on a body pull resulted in his death.
Saying things in chat that are not polite are generally rewarded with a ban; don’t ever do this.
I learned that lesson today at 5:48am when I got a week chat silence for telling someone to “shut up” but more colourfully when they were advocating for buying gold/not reporting bots.
Don’t talk to them, just report them for being gold buyers.
Click to report in chat is powerful; I report sellers all the time, also I report ticket raids because they’re pure RMT; these pop up now and then, its always the crusader strike thing from SoD server leeching into Era.
Report them relentlessly; I have many confirmed kills; blizzard sends you nice little letter in the mail and a pop up window confirming your efforts.
I got a near instant pop-up for reporting a gold seller & power-leveler in trade chat.
Feels extremely good.
Another fun thing is to add the bots to your friends list and watch them get deleted.
ohhhhhhhhhhh now that I have not done.
I have added them to list to track them keeping always 1 or 2 alive (not reported) so we can detect their world position and slay the rest in PVP and report naturally.
kite mobs into their blizzards
ohhhhhhhhhhh now that I have not done.
I have added them to list to track them keeping always 1 or 2 alive (not reported) so we can detect their world position and slay the rest in PVP and report naturally.
I spent an hour killing a Bot’s hunter pet the other day before I realised puts don’t get sad from PVP.
Step 2 is to intentionally get their pets killed by mobs until it runs away.
That seems like a lot of work and if it’s an actual player they will report you for harassment.
/tar Mage
/cast Fairie Fire
/cast Moonfire
/cast Entangling Roots
I was AoEing heynas in desolace, then this tauren warrior charged in and feared them. I thought it was very rude.
Just remember when you see them frost nova if you attack the mobs that are rooted sometimes it can break the root if the mage isn’t ready they’ll abort the pull.
I don’t care.
I am reporting them all for botting.
typical sod player
dont get what they want without friction, qq , beg daddy blizzard to unzip it