A map showing Horde advantages over Alliance in AV

yes… pin you down in the wide open area near your GY while taking multiple strong NPC…

We can’t really blame the few good alliance PvP’er from GTFO’ing away from pugs.

I wouldn’t consider NPCs that can be solo’d “strong”

They’re not strong elites and though you may think there are choices after IWB if we don’t hold SHGY then it’s an AUTO LOSS. Nice try troll.

oh sorry. the nearby GY, highground and the 5 or so NPC around it isn’t enough of a handicap for the alliance?

They’re not strong elites and though you may think there are choices after IWB if we don’t hold SHGY then it’s an AUTO LOSS. Nice try troll.

or you could try defending the strongest choke in the game. you know, the one you never bother showing up but do love complaining about the legendary ‘backdoor’ than can be defended 3 V 20…

Blizzard has all links broken unless they’re a link to a blizzard site. They don’t favor horde in this regard.

It’s a forum feature. In this case, your tinfoil hat isn’t working.

Your comment (prefaced by a spontaneous “Lol” no less) annoys the crap out of me. Over a decade ago alliance were winning just fine in AV, and that was without the added benefit of entire regions of players of all server types in the BG pool, with the same map, with the same racials, etc.

I pity the alliance who have to play alongside chronic excuse makers like yourself.

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Listen bud, to have an honest discussion is best to keep the bias at a minimum. I was just correcting you a little bit is all! You can chill your mouthbreathing.


Please keep us updated on your ability to post or not post links to support your chronic excuse making and :salt:.

yes. the bias where alliance pug don’t defend. complain about losing the initial clash despite being closer to their GY and with their NPC around, then blame it all on map imbalance… because pointing out the looser mentality rampant amongst alliance PUG is such a far shot, as clearly demonstrated here…

Translation: “once time is wasted changing the map, we can then waste yet more time using racials as the excuse.”

In another time, Vanilla, Alliance and Horde had developed initial strategies, as the patches rolled out it’s easy to see that both factions held tightly to their ingrained strategies especially since most hardcore rankers had bowed out of the fight. The new people used the strats of days past, that they remembered, and this led to alliance dominance. There was also not a 99% win rate for either side.

Today horde are not simply passing by alliance in a race to the finish, they are meeting us head on, fighting, camping, defending, and using turtle methods to maximize honor. The honor grind and PvP rewards are too good to pass up.

So let’s not act like the map isn’t a huge problem as well as the player mentality.

Last I heard, alliance cannot even get to Balinda before horde. Perhaps maybe you lot should try mounting before leaving your start point? Just spitballing here. Oh, and such value to “controlling” a wide open void of the map. Such a benefit.

For a faction that claims they are not trying to avoid pvp in AV, you sure like to deny/handwave the benefit of first contact alongside NPCs of your own forces to support you.

If 1.12 vanilla AV alliance won plenty if not most, there is only one explanation:
You are terrible at the game.

Sure, let’s call the scientific method “wasting time”.

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Again you fall flat. You will not find evidence of me claiming any of which you just mentioned.

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no, just you QQ’ing about the strength of the 5 Lts.


Then you’ve either heard wrong or are deliberately misconstruing what people are saying. You’re not helping your arguments by being so disingenuous as this.

People have been saying that they arrive at her building in about the same time as each other. Yes, this means horde get to SHB first. Yes, this means that horde get to the midpoint of the BG first. No, it doesn’t mean that horde get to Balinda first.

You really call into question everything you’re posting when you pepper your arguments with the twisting of other people’s words.

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it’s post like these that exemplify how the Alliance’s really the villain here. This is the side that children gravitate towards and you expect strategic play from them? Instead, the OP blames this on everyone else. Horde play a more mature game with higher quality and if you don’t like it, organize your faction and do something about it instead of crying for Blizzard to do what the OP wants. Always looking for a hand out or EZ mode.

Horde spent most of vanilla pointing out that the alliance have way better choke points and a huge advantage…

Alliance spent that time saying “get good” “cry more” “L2P” etc.

I came to realize that both sides have advantages and disadvantages in different parts of the map. it is not a mirror and both factions have different winning strategies.

an all out race - favors alliance the only counter is to turtle or accept a quick loss

if both sides turtle - the alliance bridge choke point is superior to ice blood

alliance dominated AV for years because people prefer quick losses to long wins. the tables appear to be turned… alliance can keep losing or change their strat

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I would hardly consider me checking your bias to be QQ’ing. I never mentioned NPCs other than that I don’t believe they are strong and that goes for Galv LTs as well.

Not my fault you can’t keep your bias in check and then get upset when you are called on it.

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at worst they take 5 horde out of the picture while they slowly kite them around. at best it’s 5 elites who actually chunk any non-tank they are on. but that’s not strong enough for the alliance apparently…

Not my fault you can’t admit alliance looser mentality is the problem here.