(A) Mage LF Guild on [Whitemane] OR [Faerlina]

Alliance mage, LF a guild on either Faerlina OR Whitemane.

I primarily want a PvE group to devote to and learn from. I also plan to participate in the world PvP & premades. I can offer many hours daily to the team if you’re willing to invest in me :grin:

Please post below; also feel free to drop your Discord.

Sounds like you might be a good fit for us. Take a look here and reach out on discord if you’re interested.

Good luck!

Thanks! I am having a read and might join in soon. I plan to take the game very seriously, and hope to be a worthwhile investment wherever I go :sunglasses:

Just set up my guild discord if your interested: https://discord.gg/dCBPx8

Guilds name is [Best in Slot]. We only have one mage currently :slight_smile:, so another would be great . We are a flexible progression guild, that plans on clearing all the content. More information on the discord if you want to take a look!

You can also reach out to me on discord: Arishnakrov#6398

If you wanna come to herod… (you know you do) then add me on discord (magedaddy#4559) we’d love to have you :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, best of luck finding a guild!
I’m glad you’ll be Alliance!

Ascended is a relaxed classic wow Guild. We will be rolling Alliance on ~Faerlina~Pvp-EST. We have a lot of experience playing previously on private servers together, and are inviting new members to continue and recreate that vanilla experience in World of Warcraft Classic!

All classes are welcome, leadership role will be made available after launch to those members that fit the gaps made as we expand.

All classes and specs are welcome, so bring your friends!

We understand the majority of the playerbase is much older and more mature in their personal lives, therefore we will be pushing into endgame content at a pace that reflects that on weekday evenings.

Thank you for becoming a part of our crew, and we look forward to anything you want to share or discuss here leading up to launch day!

are you sick of life and wanna die on all the days that end in Y?
do you live off of monsters and identify as a Kyle or maybe you’re just a freak who drinks white claw?
are you a basement dwelling loser and shop at hot topic because your parents hate you or vice versa ?

well than i have just the awful guild for you

Join Myth we wont fix it, but we wont judge you

our discord: discord.gg/YJUusza

Server is Whitemaine
faction : Alliance

Our top focus is pvp and pve making sure our players all hit lvl 60

< Fran Aska > “From Ashes” Alliance | PvP Server: Herod | Semi-Hardcore | CST |


:crossed_swords: Focus :crossed_swords:
To have fun! A semi-hardcore Classic WoW experience. Designed to fit a working-person’s schedule. Fran Aska will have something for everyone including consistent raiding, PvP, or just chilling. Leadership will strive to be transparent, fair, and effective at making raiding goals and group play events a reality.

:crossed_swords: Raids :crossed_swords:
Progress & supporting raids Sunday/Mondays with a 8PM CST Start, with Saturday being for raid quests and attunements. Loot council will give drops to characters to benefit long-term progress. An alt is encouraged to enable more raids, splits, and scheduling flexibility. Attendance requirements will be more relaxed when compared to hardcore guilds.

:crossed_swords: PvP :crossed_swords:
Groups for days

:crossed_swords: Leveling :crossed_swords:
We are making 5 man leveling groups to boost the leveling process. We will assign a group based on your availability to play so a group can be on the same schedule.

:crossed_swords: Discord/Contact :crossed_swords:
We are looking for various levels of players: officers, Raiders, PvP-er’s, and casual.

Message me on Discord: Meo#5613

Just set up my guild discord if your interested: https://discord.gg/dCBPx8

Guilds name is [Best in Slot]. We would love to have you (we are still looking for a few mages :slight_smile:). We are a flexible progression guild, that plans on clearing all the content.

Let us know if you are interested. You can also reach out to me on discord: Arishnakrov#6398

Hey man, I have a group of friends that have played together for a while. We’re a weekend raiding group Fri, Sat, Sun who will do bgs outside of raids. Raid leader has retail Naxx exp and the Main Tank/Guild Lead was 11/15 in vanilla and has since killed KT on private servers.

We’d love to have you join us. We have a handful of guys who are no-life leveling within the first few weeks but we expect to be pretty similar to you in hours after that.

Discord Alcybe#4544 or Btag is Dan#13780