A love letter to <Aes Sedai>

I fell in love with this game many years ago, at the age of 6. The world of Azeroth is something I grew alongside, bringing so much joy and mystery into my life and sparking my imagination and love for fantasy settings, and giving me the opportunity to meet so many amazing people along the way. In all my years of enjoying this shared experience with so many others, nothing exemplifies what makes WoW special like the community I found in .

Founded in 2007 by Aghra-[Nazjatar], one of the kindest and strongest people I was fortunate enough to meet in this game, has a long history of breathing life into the community of Nazjatar and the servers grouped with it. Aes Sedai isn’t a raiding guild, or a Mythic+ progression guild, it is, at it’s core, a group of friends who love this game and from my experience welcome everyone who feels the same way with a kindness I had never known in this game before I joined. This is a guild that quickly grows on you and becomes the reason you log in everyday, I have never had more fun in the game than tagging along for some relaxed dungeon runs late in the evening, so many times I’ve been so busy laughing and enjoying myself with my guildmates that I didn’t even realize that something amazing for my character just dropped.

I suppose I just wanted to make this post to express my appreciation for this community and hopefully be able to share in it with anyone else looking for this type of guild for years to come. Thank you Aghra, Jasine, and everyone else in for constantly reinvigorating my love for this game and reminding me of what has made it a part of my life for so many years.