A lot of wintrading going on in blitz that no one is addressing

Good thing they just mass banned accounts for doing that then I guess.

Thats why Blizz did the ban wave, on top of pugging groups being hard, you have griefers on top of that lol.

I question the griefing tough, trade chat is full of PRO groups selling carries for a wow token, its in their best interest if Pugging is near impossible to get rewards. All of this crap has one thing in common, 3rd parties making cash.

Similar to rated pvp, there is a reason so many Multiglads are all hovering in the low ratings all season, rent is due at the end of the month.

that guy is probably the saddest member of wow society lol

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GOOD news, help is coming soon!!! How???

All this questionable shady stuff going on in pvp, its played a big role in participation numbers decline. If Blizzard listens to one thing, its Money!!! With big numbers leaving the game in mass, you can believe it, changes are coming fast. More important the heart of this game PvE, is in big trouble with massive decline in players also. And this is the beginning of an expansion not late expansion, you know up at Blizzard they are getting dead serious. You can feel the storm brewing.

Old saying about poo rolling down hill lol.

Just had two games with clear throwers. One was a mistweaver who sat base and never capped letting the enemy cap it over and over when called out he just said “cry more”. Literally the worst people. Reported but idk if thats going to do anything.

Ill never hit 2100 i was so close lol

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Its legit happening on mass. Blizzard does not care so long as they money keeps flowing, but with a massive player decline especially over in PvE, Blizzard gets serious fast and starts looking into things.

They have been watching, Blizzard knows whats going on, probably filling its Ban wave list to the brim. Gonna be epic!

I hope everyone enjoys the work I’ve been doing on my holy paladin. I played at about 70% of my skill here.

https ://imgur.com/B7eNNnE

You can get it, especially in the last weeks of the season. Sad players gotta want till the end of a season but thats how poor the design of the rating system is. Worse enough a company that allows all the shady RMT stuff thats going on. I wonder who owns the 3rd party websites? Strange how the SOLO brackets have loop holes allowing for Premades, win trading, and all kinds of stuff that never gets punished.

This was a phenomenon I saw in DF. There were players saying they just could not get an invite into the keys they were applying to, and had several emotions about it, as if the key holder owed them a spot in the group because they applied.

No one owes a stranger a spot in LFG, not if you have the S tier spec, not if you have keystone master, no one owes you anything. If someone maybe on an off meta spec, maybe with little to no M+ score is applying mid season and is struggling to find groups they 100% should be pushing their own key and then can decide who they invite.

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Watching all of the reviews about Path of Exile2, sheesh that looks good, going to be another big chunk of the player base gone.

Competition and a loss of paying subs, if that is not incentive for Blizzard to get serious and start fixing problems in wow I dont know what is.