A lot of wintrading going on in blitz that no one is addressing

Yes, “that’s how things work” can be used in a similar context to “what things do” as both phrases essentially describe the typical or expected behavior or function of something.

Again, if you are going to make everything an argument at least do your homework.


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Because that is how algorithms work.

You claimed to know how.

Context Hirav.

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The context doesn’t matter.

You made the claim that you knew how they worked, you don’t know how they work, you only know what they do.

You only want to claim that the context matters because you recognize that you goofed and can’t reverse your claim.

Of course it does, what you mean to say it context doesn’t matter to you, because it destroys your narrative.

Incorrect i said that’s how YouTube and other sites work and I was correct.

Nope, context always matters.

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But you don’t know how they work, you only know what they do.

Try reading things Hirav. It’s super useful.

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No, you want to claim that it can be used it interchangeably, because you goofed and you can’t admit that you are wrong. Confidently so.

Just like your water comment earlier.

“How water works” is covalent bonds between Hydrogen and Oxygen which produces a stable molecule, which is different from “What water does” is make things wet.

Well, we know that not everyone bought boosts to get high ratings. Boosting companies wouldn’t be able to do the job they sell if they were not capable of playing at high MMR and gaining high CR rating.

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I get that you can’t stand to be wrong, but this is just sad Hirav.


Players renting a couple friends to do pvp with is one thing, buying queue sync Premades power farming PUGs, ruining the time of a whole group of people is not just Boosting, its griefing. Not to mention they take rating from players to give to their boosting customers for money, stealing from the players, and running off the player base.

Still though, most of the Blame for this goes to the parent company, they ignore it and allow it to happen through inaction… YET griefing happening in Mythic plus, its Blue post to inform the public its workplace meetings, red alerts and all hands on deck lol.


Oh yes. Your last point, that it is Blizzards job to prevent cheating if they dont want cheating in rated pvp. We know if cheating can happen it will happen, and right now it most definitely can happen. When spec balance allows two players with equal item level to pvp and one kills the other in a global 100% health to 0%, we blame spec imbalance and tuning on Blizzard. We dont get mad at the player using whatever spec is super strong at the moment. Cheaters just want every advantage they can get.
I use to pug my way into keys to tank M+ in SL without asking for or accepting gold. Like M2s while wearing BiS or close gear for the patch and push those keys as fast and high as my teammates were willing. Was it challenging? Nope. Was it fun? Hell yeah. Feeling like a god doing the most damage, healing, inturupts, simultaneously in the group and 3 chesting tons of low keys passing out loot to whoever wanted it felt great. But in pvp when companies sell carries or pilots the victims are not NPCs in comp stomps, it is real world human paying customers of Blizzard and its Blizzards jurisdiction to do something to prevent more victims.


Who is this game made for??? Today Supatease on youtube posted a video showing player participation talking about it.

Summary, numbers are dropping fast, and wow is not bringing in New gamers, next gen of gamers prefer the battle royals and new stuff. They are not signing up for 40 keybinds, 20 addons, and the vertical learning curve of wows content.


Right? there are levels of experience a new player goes through that at the start and middle of their knowledge journey that leaves them WAY behind the average experienced player. Its like a to do list

Find out you need or could really benefit from resources like wowhead, youtube, forums, coaching, ect, find and utilize those mediums effectively. Learn all your abilities, keybind what you need where you can access them.

Learn what all spec and hero talent combinations can do, master how to deal with what they can do.

Find, download, set up, and learn to properly utilize a bunch of addons.

Find out you are not a famous pianist and you dont like the 30 buttons gameplay, learn macros, get so good at macros now you have 11 buttons but little satisfaction gained from pushing them.

With one years experience and a solid grasp on the gameplay at hand and your own rotation you accidentally show up to a raid or M+ with the wrong enchant, your kicked from the group for it and told your talent choices were wrong… wow in a nutshell.


Its a massive investment for any gamer, I can see why the game fails to bring in new players. And the ones who do invest the time, get into end game content and gear realize that its Kinda “RIGGED” against them… Mythic+ good gear is impossible to pug, only way to get higher keys are the professional teams advertising carries in trade chat for gold. So better get out the wallet… PvP is full of BOTs and win traders selling ratings for cash. Just look at the numbers being talked about by content makers like Bellular, Supa and others, this is just season ONE of a new expansion and dying fast.


Only if you’re bad

Trying to imagine a new player starting WoW, picking some DPS as his first toon, lvling it and getting a bit of gear and then spending an hour in M+ queue getting declined over and over. Who the F would enjoy that experience?

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Probably the people who don’t have the brainpower to advertise their own key.

Massive player numbers drop off in pvp, no one cares, but PvE having big problems, now that is alarming… Thats the back bone that funds and holds this whole game up…

Elitist in pvp and pve both say get good, l2p, and all the shaming language, part trolling, part being smug toxic players that most gamers cant stand being around anyway lol. But in a sense they are right and they more in line with Blizzard than we are, and the player participation numbers say it all, 85% drop in players for both SOLO pvp brackets since start of this expansion. 85!!! That says it all… Going to get GUD all right haha, get good at another game lol. Give their money to titles that treat them better lol.

GET GUD language, they can sit in a dead game w long queues lol. AAA gaming is going the Bethesda starfield route, the customer is always wrong sales model lol.

And then they run the key and someone like you leaves after their first death just to spite them. GG

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