A lot of wintrading going on in blitz that no one is addressing

so many games 2500+ mmr where players just randomly start to give up / stand still / stop communicating toward the end of matches when we’re up 500+ points or 1 flag cap

it’s usually the vocal players that will type out strats pre game then just throw the game at the end seemingly on purpose

would love any type of merit to the “gameplay sabotage” report feature because it’s currently useless

always happens after queues fail at 15/16 too so it seems like a queue sync attempt


Careful talking about queue syncs, people will come claim it’s impossible and that you’re just me lol


most people that think it’s impossible are low rated

at 2400+ it’s very easy when you’re vsing the same players 80% of your matches


Make sure to report someone in-game for gameplay sabotage if they are purposefully trying to make your team lose.


i am literally watrching omnivorex right now and that just happened to him lol


yea im pretty convinced people are intentionally throwing matches knowing they won’t be punished for it even with video evidence


Seems to happen in streamer games. Got a streamer on their team they don’t like? Throw. Streamer on the other team they do like? Throw. Nothing definitive but had a few suspect things happen last night and that’s what I think is happening.

I just had a mage quite literally do this; “hehe my buddy on the other team” and proceeded to run around the match not doing anything.


I just had three games in a row on my warrior where from the get go a healer or both did almost zero healing and just auto ran into the enemy to die not even healing themselves.

If it was a FC map they would even intentionally pull our FC back into the enemy or off the cap when we were about to return the flag to allow the enemy to grab the flag.

Even had one in Deephaul that would rip us away from the crystal when we were trying to grab it and also never healed and would run to the back of the enemy so that the enemy could focus them down.


I actually had some weirdness tonight with someone on the enemy team in WSG sitting right outside our tunnel on their mount. They didn’t dismount and let me run right up to them (out of stealth mind you since I was in combat).
Though I was not able to tell if they were intentionally throwing, or just trying to cover their FC as they did fight and try to keep me away from their FC.


Had one yesterday in Gilneas that walked out of their spawn GY after we took mines from them and just sat there for the rest of the game parked about 100 yards away and didn’t attempt to attack it, I sat there defending solo waiting for him do anything for 3 minutes.


Just had this happen today. Two people (rogue/ resto druid) on my team knew each other and were throwing the game. The rogue told me that I was throwing by not healing but I saw I was doing top heals at like 200 mil while their resto druid friend was doing only like 90 mil overall healing… so annoying…


Its possible at 1600+ depending on the time of day tbh. When there is less people in queue it’s easy to sync. Around 2k its possible almost all day with the exception of East Coast peak time

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Just glad I got ma 1800 moggies, I have never seen it this bad before. Shadowlands has nothing compared to current retail lol. I honestly feel bad for anyone trying to get pvp rewards now, joining a game knowing that its a premade, and your just gonna be farmed for cash by websites and Multiglads paying the rent lol.

I wanted to play classic but it will never be like the real deal, because back then end game content was based on making friends and getting into a guild. Today its all based on GDKP raids requiring far more gold than a player would normally have, kinda forcing the player base to buy gold.

Blizzard devs are probably overworked, underpaid, and spread thin, all working on the next expansion after the next one lol. From a slimy sleezy corpo perspective I get it, why spend resourced improving the current game when they have already milked the players of cash lol. Best work on the next one and dupe the base into opening their wallets. Maybe make commercials of the family dad shopping for groceries and an orc is in the store isle lol.


Crazy you have the time to spam walls of text on every post about the same bs but can’t post a single shred of evidence for the things you claim. Everyone is sick of your whiny nonsense so either put up or shut up dude.


Yeah apparently you need “forum priviliges” to be able to do that which is a joke in itself.

Also people would probably report any evidence you could show cause it would be ‘name and shame’.

Everything in the current year has been boiled down to a simple transaction it doesn’t matter what it is.

If you can name it. its on sale digital or otherwise which is unfortunate because video games and other online spaces used to be a way to temporarily seperate from irl but in the current year and current expansion the 2 are becoming more the same every single day. Where in money decides nearly everything just like it does irl lmao.

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You can redact screenshots enough to show it’s the same player/players without showing enough of the names to identify them. Hell make a twitch for vods as evidence. There is also wow sub reddits that don’t have the rules these forums do. So many options be he won’t do any of it because he knows it’s all cope.

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Which isn’t arduous to attain in the slightest…

And anyone below that level can paste links in code boxes, where you start a new line, press space 4 time then paste the link, like this:


Or they can do what everyone else does and add spaces to the link, like this:

ww w. example . com

It’s not hard to do.

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At this point he’s just copy/pasting, he did that here because no one gave him enough attention in the new thread he started congratulating himself for getting 1800.

Which is funny that after everything he’s said on this forum he was still playing this entire time.

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There are multiple discords and illegal third party sites selling rating and PVP rewards in every single bracket and PVP mode. There’s definitely selling going on. It’s undeniable that it’s taking place. The only question is how prevalent.