A Lot Of The Zandi Fleet Escaped The Alliance, BUT

Lore wise that’s not the case the blood elves have been loyal since first joining the only times this hasn’t been the case is when he’ll scream was acting like a pyscho. Besides the blood Elves would most likely blow up the well before allowing the alliance to take it.

I very much doubt the Blood Elves would blow up the sunwell for the Horde.
Arthas already took it away from them once and we saw the repercussions.
Lorthemar will never put the horde’s interests over his own people. Never.

Especially since the cause is Horde’s own actions.

Yes I’m sure the blood elves would let Gen and jaina the self righteous pyschopaths who can’t fathom the concept of people taking up arms to defend themselves with open arms. Who can forget such memorable quotes as.

Kill any who take up arms against you
Or the zandalari deserve this fate.

After the purge of dalaran the blood elves aren’t going to welcome any alliance army into their lands, and if you think they’d let the sunwell be taken by the alliance you haven’t been watching the blood elf story closely at all


Did you expect flowers and rainbows after Teldrassil?

Mostly ash and free lumber, to be honest. My expectation have been met.


God I wish I could bring up a nasty event that Alliance was involved with in this stupid game.
But I just dont have any examples. Shame.

Did you after the unprovoked attack in stormheim? We can talk about how evil the warchief is for days but let’s not forget that the alliance are for the most part self righteous pyschopaths completely incapable of negotiating. You all don’t even understand why there still is a horde for Christ sake had daelin proudmoore minded his own business and left Thrall’s horde in peace there wouldn’t even be a horde. Hell if varian would have welcomed thrall as an ally after the third war and accepted the undead if undercity the alliance would be the sole super power in the world but instead they go on these little crusades and scream victim when they get the clap back.


Ok this topic has been brought up a dozen times now over the past week and it has been addressed ad nauseum. I am done repeating myself.

If you have any other examples then fire away.

No examples. Just ranting.
Oh and Jaina helped Thrall and kept her word to be a peaceful neighbor.

When she needed help he denied her. When he thought her dead he did not avenge her.
Thrall is a terrible friend.

Excuse me? Reference the event otherwise its pure head canon.

You mean like how Sylvanas betrayed the remaining Alliance forces? We should invite them to our capital?

Argent Dawn or Scarlet Crusade? Because we were also killing Scarlet Crusade.


Purge of dalaran
Orc internment camps where they forced orcs to fight like dogs for their amusement(so righteous and good)
Daelin proudmoore attacking durotar.
The continued assaults on durotar by the kul tirans
Not even talking to gen greymane about trying to kill the warchief during a demonic invasion where a faction war would have quite literally ended the world.

And my favorite example that is just the cherry on top is when varian tells thrall about how he should kill him where he stands at a peace talk because he was forced to fight as a gladiator. He is sitting there calming he was wronged to the man who didn’t even know his own name until the Outland campaign and was given the name thrall forced to fight as a gladiator for most of his life in an internment camp where he was regularly abused. Varian was a king during this time as well so the man who supported the internment camps is outraged when he gets the same treatment.


My god.
You are a meme.

How many times have every single one of these points been brought up and debunked? You think I am here to virtue signal you?

No. The way Blizzard writes the Alliance is horrendous. We are essentially the jesus faction that cannot be allowed to do any wrong no matter how hard we get hit.
It is absolutely unfair.

Then we get players like you.
Who want more of the status quo because you think Alliance is dark enough with that pathetic host of complaints.

Terrible. You are what is wrong with the narrative. You give Golden and all the writers a pass to keep writing these terrible stories.

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You haven’t debunked anything just screamed like a child when anything is brought up that challenges your opinion. The undead reached out to the alliance first when they were freed from the lich King it’s in chronicals. Thrall was kinda busy saving the world from death wing sorry about that some people don’t throw a hissy fit and abandon their responsibilities when things aren’t going the way they want(legion jania) if you don’t read the books that’s your problem but don’t think that igorance of the lore debunks anything.

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Fine you want to do this?

When the leader of your faction says you are under arrest for colluding with the Horde and breaking your neutrality that your leader demanded and you fight back your rightful arrest then you are a criminal.
Thats how law works.

Either internment or death.
Thats the punishment for invading a world and burning half the continent.

See above.

She invaded his homeland first and he saw she was trying to use the Legion as cover for her own nefarious purposes. She needed to be stopped and he did it.
Avoiding Odyn and his forces in attacking Sylvanas and the horde in the middle of Legions invasion.
You’re welcome.

Yeah. By other people that had nothing to do with Varian since at the time he was just a young boy.

You done?
Or are you going to find more false equivalencies and events that happened before the games happened to prove your non existential point?
Good god I wish Blizzard would just give the Alliance their own war crimes so I would stop seeing these idiotic references constantly brought up.


The sunreavers were on loan from silvermoon they are not now nor have they ever been exclusive to dalaran. Also where is the trial or are we guilty until proven innocent?

The internment camps aren’t why the orcs are bitter being forced to fight like animals and being regularly abused by ruthless guards are why they bitter

Yes because during the invasion of a world ending army is a perfect time to get revenge.

Daelin attacked the horde after they just helped save the world I think they more than redeemed themselves

Varian was around 18-19 during this time and a ruling monarch so yes he shares see of the blame.

The alliance does have its own war criminals.

Gen greymane insubordinate conduct and unsactioned assault on a friendly force during a time of war punishable by death

Jania proudmoore unlawful imprisonment of a soverign nation’s forces without a declaration of war, attacking noncombatant civilians purposefully and with malicious intent. Also punishable by hanging in a time of war.

Garithos unlawful imprisonment of a allied nation’s troop without trial, malicious endangerment of an allied nation’s troops during a time of war. Also punishable by hanging

Daelin proudmoore unsanctioned assault of a Nation without a declaration of war, waging war on a civilian populace. Also punishable by hanging.

Any other questions?


Do you think any of that will be true anymore in WC3:Rebastard? They are having Golden rewrite the entire game to match BFA quality writing.

You better emotionally prepare yourself for Garithos only turning on the Blood Elves after a Sunreaver betrays the Alliance forces etc etc etc.


The game made it clear that blood elves using Dalaran as tool to by pass alliance defenses was a betrayal.
Why do I have tell you this?

Would they have preferred death?

Yes. Exactly. Genn did the right thing and Sylvanas was out of line.
If She did not go to Stormheim for selfish reasons like securing power for the Horde in the middle of a world endling invasion then maybe she would not have been attacked.
You can keep being outraged about it but it doesnt make it valid.

Daelin doesnt care. As far as he knew as soon as you turn your back the Horde would betray you. They can never be trusted.
And look. Thats exactly what happened. TWICE.
Daelin was right.

He was on the other side of the continent too busy rebuilding his city. We have no idea what his exact age would be when the decision and implementation of camps were and how much weight his support would be since he needed Lordaerons help and resources to rebuild the city the orcs burned to the ground.
So yeah. Cry me a river about the orcish plight.

No its not. This has been debated multiple times. Alliance is different than the Horde. Alliance leaders unlike the Horde are not slaves to the warchief’s every whim apparently. But I am sure me telling you this will go from one ear and exit the other.
Just look at Tyrande and Genn defying Andiun and sending their troops to Darkshore despite his wishes. Were they executed for defying him? Lol… no.

Are we back at the purge? Again?
I already told you why it happened.
I dont care you dont like it.

Garithos was a bastard but Kael decided to work with the Naga rather than retreat the first time. Kael is at fault here.
He should have done the blood elf thing and did a light assault and retreated. Honestly he should have been smart enough to deal with Garithos. If Garithos believed the blood elves were useless in combat then so be it. Let him figure it out or simply leave the Alliance as they have done before.

Aaand we are back at Daelin again.
I already told you.
Jesus. The Alliance as far as he was concerned was still at war with the Horde.
To his eyes the Horde had never changed and they were not a legitimate nation but instead a band of savage creatures that needed to be taken down.

Are you going to keep asking the same questions over and over?
I have already answered you twice. You dont like the answers? Fine. I dont care.
It would not be the first time a fanboy denies reality.
But please by all means head canon your own outrage and slights.


Laughs in “Pa’ku, Matron of the Sea”


uhmm you sound shhhmart cuz the loa paku blesses the zandalari fleet. it is said in all lore.


Not as shhhmart as necroing a three month old thread to say this.


Regardless it makes no sense that attacking the zandalari somehow reverses the war

I think it’s intended to be a lot of things.

The cool things we don’t see because we’re stuck in Arathi, Darkshore and the new islands, but still. I don’t think blowin’ up the ship and accidentally-kinda-on-purpose-regicide was the only reason the horde is “losing on all fronts.”

I imagine the night warrior has something to do with it, as well as the hilariously massive casualties the Horde combatants took in War of Thorns and Undercity.

And in my heart of hearts, I’m hoping that Ironforge’s big armies that have been relatively unscathed are off camera are the reason the Horde is taking the beating that the NPCs say they are.

I miss you, steam tanks.