A lot of Night Elves on Story forum :)

I could get used to High Queen of the Alliance though.

The beauty of that music is that it captures the ethnic composition used to make the Kaldorei race.

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Yeah you can also tell the players don’t either when they keep misspelling Kaldorei

My bad, and it’s corrected. I’ve seen it written with an apostrophe, so I thought that the lack of one was simply a quicker way of spelling it.

Edit: Are the Kaldorei the only ones lacking the apostrophe? Shal’dorei, Sin’dorei, Quel’dorei, Ren’dorei and Kaldorei.

Honestly, it should be standardized with all the elf races.

Guess you three mutations should start dropping that apostraphe then.

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You’ve obviously never quested for Horde in Ashenvale.

“Peaceful hippies my foot.”


Even the Night Elves use/used the term Quel’dorei for Highborne. Plus, it would be nice to give the Night Elves something.

How did that go? Oh yeah we lost every single base lol

Was there a point to your sarcasm?

Fact of the matter was that low level questing in Ashenvale was murder if you were a Horde, practically every square yard had a hidden Outrunner waiting to spill your blood along with all of the natural critters there as well.

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Your also forgetting the Astranaar guards as well. Until the path Above Astranaar, the journey to the Zoram Strand was a gauntlet…

i consider myself a nelf fan even if i regurlarly post with a worgen.
i already liked the nelfs back in wc3 but then they saved the gilneans from death and since then we created a camadery that i really enjoy, they are my bros, even if i don’t always agree with some nelfs fans (?

i always hated how they treated them in wow, particularly tyrande
the little patience scenario was a low blown and lowered my opinion on varian a lot.
always her ingame representantions have been… frustrating.
like the first time doing war of thorns seeing tyrande throwing hearthstone to SW broke my heart in that context.
i am so glad that they later released the novel and later that night warrior ritual was pretty metal (minus nathanos surviving tyrande ultra instinct but thats another topic)
i think that starfall is the coolest power in the entire game.
and kinda hated malfurion neutrality always so terror of darkshore was really nice.

i gotta say that it was a breath of fresh air seeing shandris being more relevant, it is a honor for me to fight alongside the sentinel general and for the alliance versus azshara it’s a real shame that this patch didn’t really had much story in the first place.
and glad that azshara survived as well. it would be a crime to kill her so early and much less without a tyrande confrontation.

and i hope and pray that they can can get something good out of this, i hope that tyrande brings the so much needed internal conflict in the alliance.

with that being said, maiev has consistently been bae the entire
history of this franchise so for that:
she will always be one of my favs
(i hope this doesn’t offend anyone, i like tyrande and malfurion as well :p)


Yeah, so many of you around…

do you guys have a 2nd tree somewhere? can you please send location?

Mmmm I’m all for elven union so you can come but you’ll be asked to leave all flammable items outside of the save zone.

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makes obvious and weird eyebrows movements at the undead loading some suspicious barrels to the wagon

O m g. That little gif thingy.

Maiev is the bee’s knees indeed.


So you can burn the other one down? Absolutely not!

Pweety pwease? with icing on top? with a cherry on top of that?

must RESIST…,

If we have another World Tree, I can grow you an entire cherry tree. Perks of being a Druid.

The best a derivative Elf can do is buy you the canned stuff.