A LOT of blue-eyed Blood elf NPCs out there

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Very likely.

Blizzard has on more than one occasion said that now that the Sunwell is restored the green tint would dissipate over time returning to blue (or going gold due to their faith). No specific words on what causes purple, but I assume thats either deeper arcane or something else but ultimately the greater use of gold and blue I do think is meant to represent that change that they said would occur now that they have the customization to show it.

Blood Elves who still use the fel or hang around areas steeped in it would likely still show green eyes though.

Either way, its just a customization. Make your story what you will.

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I donā€™t know about this, because there are Belves that have not lived around the well and obviously sucked fel, but they usually are not player characters. I think in lore even thereā€™s a lot of variation in eye colors. It just took the game a while to catch up. And they still arenā€™t even there because there are blood mages too.

When new customizations drop, Bliz likes to use them on the NPCs.

When in doubt, Iā€™d go for the voice lines to distinguish.

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You mean you donā€™t want to have headcanon elf fights?

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ALLERIA is not a void elfā€¦

I came here to say this very thing.

I didnā€™t think anybody else knew thatā€¦ Such wonders today lol.

Oh boy here we go again.

Itā€™s been a lot longer than five years. The Sunwell was cleansed back at the end of BC. I donā€™t have my timeline handy, but I think thatā€™s closer to ten years.

True. Sorry I meant since the 5 years jump of Shadowlands and what the world has become since.

Same I always check. Itā€™s honestly nice to see it happening too. Lathos Sunbane being a blood elf and original hero/warrior during the Scourge invasion, and with blue glow eyes, and helping where he can just feels like Itā€™s closing the nostalgia loop.