A LOT of blue-eyed Blood elf NPCs out there

I think you mean subconsciously since if you were unconscious, you wouldn’t be playing WoW haha

Sleep playing is a widely believed rumor.

Sps. sleep playing syndrome. Aka lfr

Sin’dorei are primarily a political faction, not a biologically different race than the Quel’dorei.

Regardless of how much lingering fel they do or don’t have in their systems after the cleansing of the Sunwell, they still call themselves Sin’dorei, live in Silvermoon and are part of the Horde because that’s what set them apart from the Quel’dorei in the first place - they were a faction of Elves that followed Kael’thas, drew from the corrupted Sunwell and joined the Horde.

The cleansing of the Sunwell doesn’t undo their history, even if their eyes turn blue or gold again over time.

See also: If Ren’dorei gave up the Void, they’d still be Ren’dorei unless they went back to Silvermoon and joined up with the Horde again, at which point they’d be Sin’dorei again. On the other hand if they gave up the Void and stuck around with the Alliance, then MAYBE they might consider themselves to be Quel’dorei again, unless they still strongly identified with Alleria’s faction.

It’s like if your lobster-loving uncle moved from Ohio to Maine to be closer to the lobster. Then he developed a shellfish allergy and stopped eating lobster, does that make him not a Maine resident anymore? No, he doesn’t suddenly become an Ohio-an again just because he stopped consuming the thing that’s popular there. He’s still there. He’s still a Mainer.

I think engineers should be able to make and sell all manners of contact lenses. Different colours, cat’s eyes, black eyes, etc.

Then lore implications wouldn’t matter.

How to ruin a thread in one easy step!

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Sin’dorei translates to Blood Elf and
Quel’dorei translates to High Elf in Thalassian.

So basically they’re just saying glory to the Blood Elves.

But 100% basically Sin’dorei, Quel’dorei, Ren’dorei all High Elves.

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The kirin tor ones probably are high elves that blizz just gave the wrong voicelines to.

Lol just dreaming about WoW :sleeping:

Fair will adjust

For ease of discussion I use High Elves, Blood Elves and Void Elves to discuss the different groups. High Elves are primarily those who did not choose to go by Blood Elves, Blood Elves are those who, obviously, chose to go by the name Blood Elves and Void Elves are those who were corrupted by void.

I would much rather we use thalassian elves as an umbrella term.


I want my dolly to have blue eyes so it can be pretty! yay!


Very witty sir :rofl:, I think it’s funny but might be a bit too spicy :hot_pepper: for some on the forums.

I really don’t think that’s the case. The theme the Kirin Tor is giving this expansion is all the Horde and Alliance races (playable) represented. I even bumped into an Orc Kirin Tor Mage not long ago.

I know some players have the idea that any association of Dalaran with Thalassian elves would have to be “Alliance High Elf” but that seems dismissive of the lore as well it is an idea likely brought about because of quest representation or lack thereof by a faction. The Purge of Dalaran alone lets us see Blood Elves that said Dalaran was always their home, and they were then (as well as Horde races) let back in during Legion.

Trying to dismiss that they are blood elves because they have blue eyes simply has no basis of an argument at this point :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Of course they have blue eyes again. Everyone knows Arcane magic removes Fel taint!!

Are we seriously at the point some people are complaining about eye colours on NPCs?

I feel it comes down to the idea of them feeling their concept or idea of what defines a “high elf” is being attacked. It’s sort of an unfortunate symptom that will likely keep manifesting whenever anything pertaining to the Blood Elves not being in a very specific niche in their minds is presented.

Personally I found it interesting to see such a wide variety of customisations applied to blood elf NPC heroes and students in zones.


If this game were based on actual lore then there would be no more green eyed Blood Elves in game. Only gold and blue, but all the blue eyed ones would have gone over to the Alliance though and also no longer be called Blood Elves.

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Its a sign of a deep rot within our people, is what it is! I look around town, and all I see are timid High Elves too afraid to grasp unlimited power! I wear my eyes green and PROUD, as should ALL PROUD SIN’DOREI.


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:skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:

Creepy elf people with their creepy elf fixation. :unamused:

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