[A] Looking for daytime guild


My current situation only allows me to raid most days during daytime. Realm time, that would be somewhere between 09:00-15:00.

I’m a somewhat experienced raider and are planning to play a Shaman in Dragonflight. I would like to main DPS but could off-heal for M+ and such content.

This time around, I would love to aim for mythic raiding again but I absolutely don’t mind a more casual approach to it. I’m here to have fun and hope to be able to bring some positivity to any guild I’m to joining. A good balance between fun and being serious when it matters is probably what I’m searching for.

I’m usually playing on the EU but due to the time difference it’s hard to find people over there to play with. So I’m posting here on a trial account, I would like to know that there are guilds out there for my situation before purchasing the game on this account as well.

If you know of any guilds that especially ticks of the time requirement, please let me know either by replying to this thread or contacting me on Discord (Teedyan#3267).

Thanks for reading. :grin: :+1: