A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

They dialed back on her cuz of the backlash of the Forsaken community. Which is proof that Blizzard is actually willing to listen if you make enough noise about the issue. Take notes for the future.

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Erevien…come on now.

No. I am tired of pretending to be nice to the alliance when all they ever do is to cut the Horde further from the plot for the benefit of their own favorites.

So in other words, you do what you are blaming Zerde of.

Saurfang was the last leg we had. TWW will about Anduin and Alleria. My fears have reason. All that Zerde ever does is protecting his priviliges.

That’s not my point, as long as you acknowledge, you are doing the same thing as what you are accusing him of.
The only difference is Zerde criticism is in game, yours was (and often times is) personal attacks.

Now go to your room and think about what you did.

Writers bias of the story is making it less fun for all Horde players. How is that not a game argument.

Going after someone’s “existence” and calling it “sad and lonely” is not a game argument. There are real people behind these avatars mate and you or I dont even know the half of what they are going though in life.

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Zerde is known to defend the alliance to such an extent and ignored the fact the actual devs jumped in to shield his favorite characters from any harm while at the same time Horde leaders fall like flies. Sorry but for the alliance to be the victim in this argument they have to be in the wrong or at least struggeling to defeat in any Situation which never happened before. Even the Lotr cast had a harder time to defeat the dark lord lol.

Look, I had to explain that bullying and murder is wrong in the same thread. I dont know what else to tell yall.

Where did I ask to murder real people?

Not you, scroll up.

Well Erevien on the bright side, from what I seen (from how the stories are given closure of OG Characters in DF) the Alliance leaders will probably take a back seat and get retired at some point in the Saga… I be surprise if any died or met an tragic or violent death… like our Horde OG Heroes.
If an Alliance Hero gets axe it be VERY bold if not daring of the writers team knowing how the vocal community would react. Both Jaina and Sylvanas are OG hero characters I know for sure are NEVER going to axe (unless something really unexpected happend but I’m 90% sure). So its kind of even… (IMO) :sweat_smile:

I seen the writing team introducing quite a few new NPC and starting to use some old ones too, to take the lead in game… However not all have been receive well… but at least they are trying?
I think they are playing it safe…


tbh at this point Genn should be close to dying of old age, the man was ancient (he’s like at most a decade younger than Terenas Menethil)

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Oh wow this is true I din’t thing of that…

He explicitly says “you were rejected”. You can’t reject something that never gets to you.

And the premise that multiple writers have taken time and space to refer to the same thing without it meaning anything is just not credible. Blizzard says the same thing and they are telling you something. Just like, when they named the Forsaken, it was a clear indication about what Blizzard thought was one of their main themes, “being forsaken”.

Rejecting someone does not mean they were killed. The Alliance, unlike the Horde, is not in the habit of outright killing emissaries, even undead ones as shown by the Death knights.

Presumably other forsaken, not necessarily Sylvanas’ back ones, also tried to rekindle their old familial bonds only to be refused as well. Considering the Gathering/Before the Storm will be talked about again in Chronicles 4 I suspect we might learn abit more about these dead emissaries.

There is no bright side. There is no one to root for left. Thrall doesn’t count and I do not accept any new characters. The Horde is dead.

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The Horde is Dead.

I didn’t hear no bell

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You went down the morality hole when Velen pardoned the Eredar.