A little bit of RP can change the landscape

After logging in yesterday I watched as Trade Chat went from calm discussions of interesting topics to toxic political trolling. Nothing new there but then something unique happened. A gnome new to our beautiful realm asked a simple question in trade chat, “Are there any all gnome guilds here?”

A couple of dwarf adventurers who just happened to be around put on their best accents. Never had the three met before that moment but for a brief 10 minutes they bantered without a single peep from the toxic trollsters.

I was moved to share this today. Too many times have I seen the “We have tried that idea and it just doesn’t work on Emerald Dream.” responses. This tiny 10 minute sliver of time is proof that one, Gnomes and Dwarves are the master races but more importantly it is proof that even the least amount of effort can have a positive impact toward taking back our realm from the haters.

I challenge veterans and rookies of Emerald Dream to kiss fear goodbye and come out of the shadows. Let’s see how many of these 10 minute slivers we can string together.

Thank you all for your time.

May the road rise to meet you and the wind always be at your back.


Alrighty then

I for one, think this lack of RP energy is sapping away the spirit of ED. Under my rule I will lead us all into RP victory, for the good of all, under God. Amen.

Vote Mortignis for RP leadership 2020.


Your first mistake is caring about what goes on in trade chat. Even the big RP servers have random OOC banter in trade. Every online game needs a place where people can get together and be derpy.


I was merely pointing out an area on this realm that can be improved upon to get rid of the toxicity and throwing out an idea. That is all my friend. Nothing more.



Lol. Please. It’s 2020, grandpa. Gnomes and Dwarves are dust-covered relics from a bygone era.

The Vulpera are ascending to the status of “Master race.” It’s really only a matter of time before all the other races of Azeroth will be kneeling before their furry overlords. Many have already accepted their fate.

Census projections indicate that, by 2021, the Vulpera will be the most populous race on all of Azeroth. By virtue of that fact alone, we will hold considerable clout. Just ask the Horde members about what’s happening in Orgrimmar! What started out as one or two camps of cute lil’ fur-balls here and there has become hundreds, almost over night - I mean, we’re kinda like rabbits.

(On a more serious note… I gotta say I just don’t get it: so many people say that RP on ED is dead. I haven’t seen it. There’s been so much RP lately, that I actually have to take breaks from it. It’s just not in Trade Chat, and - honestly - I’ve never really had a problem with that.)

Hey, Mort… remember what happened to Heltor? I ‘member. Heltor was a real champ that night. You’re next. You might wanna put on a raincoat and some galoshes.

Chän places a finger on Mort’s mouth and whispers in his ear

“Shh. Don’t fight it. This is how leaders are made. You want the Vulperan vote, don’t you? You can’t win the election without us.”

Thanks for your time,


Ok furry scuttle back to your den

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Chan is trying to interfere with our elections. Another corrupt lawyer.


My opponent is clearly delusional. I highly recommend meeting with a healer, it would appear your small brain has gone feral.

Now we have these fox people, many of which have done very bad things to our people, not all of them! But many of them!


Hahaaaaa! The trolls outside o’ Anvilmar are better organized than ye!


I suggest we launch a campaign to kidnap vulpera who spread misinformation. Luckily for the server, PM has our fact-checkers to determine what is right, and what is furry propaganda. We should be removing dangerous individuals who have a platform from Orgrimmar.



Now I’m not one ta stick my nose intae Horde political affairs but I see an opportunity and cannae resist.

Might I suggest ye find a way ta frame the Nightborne and Blood Elves for the kidnappin’ of prominent Vulpera?

Just a thought.

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…AND you can scuttle back to yours, “Mr. Tichondrius.” This is ED business.

Whaaat? We all know how elections work here: Mort has to earn our votes. Given the size of the Vulperan population, Mort needs to appeal to the Vulpera… by giving in to our demands. It’s the way of things.

Chän shrugs

Deal with it.

I don’t need to meet with a Healer because I AM a Healer, Mort.

Chän slaps Mort

Pay attention!

That being said… you should really get yourself checked out, Mort: you look more than sick to me - you look expired. Honestly, I think you’re gunna have to forfeit the election…

Problem: how do we determine what is and is not misinformation? The media? …It’s all fake news, let’s be honest.

Cue music: “Can’t touch this” by MC Hammer (dem pants do).

You’re not removing anybody from anywhere without our say. The Vulpera are taking over. We’re influencing everything.

Chän snaps his fingers at Somrune

It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee - if you can even smell at all. Just accept it.

We did your leader… look how THAT turned out! Nobody is gunna vote for another corpse! We need some fiery, hot-blooded folk runnin’ the show - not freeze-dried carcasses!

Thanks for your time,


(P.S. - I love you guys)

Scabber #1

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I was gunna say that…

Scabber #1 - and not because they’re a lucrative client!

Will you shut up, man?

looks right at you and smiles

Get out there and vote for me, Mortignis for RP leadership 2020.

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/10 char

First of all you little wretch, I would never proclaim that fiend as my leader at any point in time. Worry not, however. Sylvanas shall pay dearly for all she has done. Particularly to me

Second, I’m the one who snaps fingers.

Third, I trust in our honorable legal system to assure that every citizen of Orgrimmar has their vote for the candidate of their choosing. Of which I announce today that I, Somrune the Red, Lord of Betrayal, shall also be running for. I am confident in my soon-to-be victory, and should there be any doubt, I also project success in the following election that will never happen. Because I said so.

My efforts to sweep away misinformation and lies from our beloved city shall not go unappreciated I’m sure. A healthy city is a controlled city.



The Quickfuse Cartel would like to offer it’s services as a non bias third party, to uh, run the polling locations for this election…

Forsaken must prove undeath, dead votes don’t count.

Vulpera must prove horde citizenship for at least 5 years.

Bribery is frowned upon, but we might find some mail in ballots lying around…


((And this is why I love ED!))

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