Limited is a Cutting Edge focused guild looking for more prospects for our push in Shadowlands! Our goal is to maintain a fun and active community where people can have a good time while progressing at a less harsh pace than most 3 day guilds. We’re all adults, with jobs and families and we all understand that life, especially in these times, can be hectic. With that being said, we would like to push mythic content as hard as we possibly can. We’re looking for mythic-oriented raiders who are looking for a late night home to play and raid in and grow as a community and raid team.
Server : Sargeras-US
Progression :
Ny’alotha: 11/12M 12/12H
Battle for Dazar’alor: 6/9M
Uldir: 8/8M
Prior Achievements
US-28 Mythic Grong
US-10 Mythic Jadefire
US-79 Heroic Jaina
US-55 Heroic G’huun
US-278 Mythic G’huun
US-57 Heroic Blackfuse
US-101 Heroic Lei’Shen
Currently Recruiting : Recruitment is currently open to ALL experienced mythic raiders.
Raid Times : Tuesday : 9pm-12:30am EST Wednesday 9pm-12:30pm EST Thursday 9pm-12:30pm EST
Thursday is our 3rd main progression night until content is cleared. We will be dropping Thursday’s or using it as a sale’s day.
Voice Chat : Discord (Raiders can find documents in the discord channels going more into depth about requirements, expectations, etc.)
Consumables : Raiders are expected to carry appropriate potions for their class. The guild will fund Flasks/Feast/Healing Potions/Vantus Runes.
Required Addons : Deadly Boss Mods / BigWigs, RCLootCouncil, WeakAuras, and Exorsus Raid Tools. (NOTE : You are not ‘required’ to use class weakauras, it is only required for the occasional need to help with some mechanics.
After Work’s Atmosphere : As laid back as we can without being a “casual guild.” We love to have fun, we enjoy being social, and we all get along tremendously. But we avoid downtime at all costs, and especially when it affects the raid and amount of time we have to progress. On off-nights, we hang out in discord and chat, we run Mythic+’s practically everyday.
Expectations of Core Raiders :
- Complete a mythic plus dungeon during the week in order to obtain the highest possible loot from the weekly chest.
- Arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled time. Please be ready to pull a boss at the start time, and try not to require a summon.
- Seriousness is O.K, but try to be friendly and remain calm. We have no tolerance for egos and braggers, just please remain civil.
- Have a basic understanding of mechanics. Being mechanically aware as a raid group is the key to progressing through difficult content. Staying alive is more important than DPS/HPS.
- Communication. Some people are shy, we get that. However, sometimes people are required to speak out during an encounter. Also, it is EXTREMELY important that raiders pitch their ideas and concerns to the raid leader, or addressing them openly to the raid group. If you are struggling with a certain mechanic, no one is going to criticize you, we are all trying to help.
- When the raid starts, you need to be READY. We have 1 break period during the raid (10 minutes, halfway through raid.) Please wait for that time period before randomly going AFK unless it’s a dire emergency. This also means that raiders are required to be fully enchanted and gemmed. People needing to change something during our raid only slows us down.
Respect the decisions that are made, privately address your concerns.
- Have Fun! If you’re not enjoying the guild or the environment, there is nothing wrong with that. We would rather you be happy than feel forced to raid with us. Please be vocal with your feelings and we will understand.
- Be prepared to wipe. Countless wipes are expected. Keep a positive attitude. Do not be the person who gets aggravated because you are perfect and others are not. We are a team, and you are not killing any bosses alone.
- Make sure you can make raid on time. Attendance is a huge issue with mythic raid teams. We can only take twenty. Few people will want to be a bench for mythic, and so we must ensure that our team is committed to showing up on time. If you do not make 90% of mythic raids on time, you are welcome to take a bench position. Mythic raiding should be a considerable priority in your life if you wish to become a mythic raider.
Intend to raid for the full duration of the raid tier. You should not be the type of gamer who gets bored after a couple of months. This is not always predictable, but if you dropped out after three bosses last mythic tier, then chances are, you do not have the mentality to be in a mythic team. Consider a bench position where you will occasionally be raiding mythic.
https: //tinyurl. com/y5clp764 (Replace the spaces)