[A] Limitations Recruiting for Shadowlands

Guild & Server: Limitations - Sargeras-US
Raid Times/Days: Wednesday / Thursday / Friday 7PM - 10PM CST (8PM - 11PM EST)
Current Progression: 5/12M 12/12H
Recruitment Contacts: Battle Tag Aesir#1638, Tyyr#3734 on Discord
Website: https://guildsofwow.com/limitations
**Discord: ** https://discord.gg/VprgTaG
Wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/sargeras/Limitations

**About Us: ** Limitations was formed towards the end of BFA by a core of experienced raiders returning to the game. We formed in May 2020 with the goal of clearing H NYA, obtaining NYA AOTC, and seeing how far we could push into Mythic before pre-patch. We cleared 5/12 Mythic by the end of August on a 2 day raiding schedule and our new goal is CE for each raid tier in Shadowlands. We are a laid back, semi-hardcore guild with a very active M+ base as well, with some pushing 3k+ .io. We are looking to bolster our ranks for Shadowlands and fill some gaps left by players who have left the game or no longer wish to raid. Our current raid schedule is Wed/Thurs/Fri 7 – 10pm server (CST). Our current recruitment needs are below.

Requirements: Mythic experience preferred, but not required. We are requiring applicants to have cleared Heroic NYA and logs as well for raid team consideration. Consistent attendance and punctuality are required. We are looking for people who have a firm knowledge of their class and how to play it.

Tank: Any exceptional player
DPS: Boomkin Druid with Resto O/S, and any exceptional player
Healers: any exceptional players

We are primarily recruiting a mage or 2 right now and some DPS. Any exceptional players are encouraged to apply.

Still looking for exceptional DPS and a Holy Pally for CE push in SL.

Still looking for DPS for SL!

We have punch and pie!

Updated to reflect current needs

Still looking for DPS (1 with Healing OS) and a Prot Pally for SL CE Push.

All the way to the top!

Monks, mages, spriests

updated with current needs!

8 days until the prepatch event!

looking for resto druid?

Coldwaterpp at this time we are not. We’re looking for a MW and Hunters now. Feel free to apply though if you’d like on discord. We are looking for all quality players.

Come with us and get purplz!

Updated with current needs! Come raid with us!

Free cookies with each raid!

kill bosses get lootz

The Arbiter says you should join us for Shadowlands

Looking for a non-Death Knight tank! Come be one of our lead blockers!

Still looking for a meat shield that wants to come with us to get purplz

Still looking for a tank for SL Mythic raid team