A light in the dark is super bugged

the “a light in the dark quest” is bugged sideways. i’ve had it auto cancel the final cutscene on me twice, as well as not allow me to activate the central brazier. i’ve had to restart this quest 4 times now and have to get a run without some new quest breaking bug


Same thing happened to me it turns out with the brazier bug if you click on it while Lothar is doing her concecration move it won’t activate but will be stuck like it is without continuing forcing a restart

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Same issue here! The cutscene is what i am looking to see. Hard to get hyped for a story if it keeps skipping the important scenes.


The northern brazier lit for me, but the southern one seems to be broken and I can’t progress :frowning:

I am stuck at same. South Brazier will not activate.

I’ve lit the north one then the south one won’t activate. I abandoned the quest, accepted it again, lit the south one, now the north one won’t activate.

Same here. Cutscene beeps at me a few times, Xal starts to speak (no voice-over) and then I am abruptly kicked out of the scenario. VERY disappointing.

I had to restart a few times. It turns out that if you are in combat and click the braziers to get them cleansed, it will lock them and not allow you to continue. It happens on all of them, and of course the cut scene then bugs out! Sucks to have that last bit of story spoiled.


same i tried like 5 times i cant light the other braizer

but i was on a different character

I have restarted multiple times and cannot light either brazier

i think they just turned the entire questline off. i just logged in and Alleria has no quest to give. no “!” or anything. it’s the only reason i logged in.

The solution is this: make sure you are out of combat AND all 3 of your companions are standing directly next to you when you click any of the braziers. If you run out of hope or Lothar is doing anything other than standing still, it will bug out. Took me 5 restarts to figure this out.

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To add to the above posts, quest requires you to make very specific pathing and does not allow for error, misclicking on the braziers while in combat, or pulling a mob while in the vicinity of the brazier causes the brazier to bug out and be untargetable. Even dying (forcefully) does not reset either of the braziers and requires you to abandon quest to reset everything inside. Very frustrating.


have tried 5 times and have given up

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Chiming in to say this scenario is bugged to hell like others have already said. I give up for now.

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you have to go to where her NPC is standing, it will spawn an event and give her the quest. If you don’t go near her it won’t show.

South brazier bugged. cant click.

Also on Same topic, Last cutscene is bugged when entering the Priory, no sound, cuts off about 10 seconds in and forces you out of the instance.

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Same here. Tried 3 times. First time cutscene bugged out, second time central brazier bugged, 3rd time cutscene bugged again. Giving up for now. Hopefully a hotfix comes soon. Really disappointed with the quality of the xpac so far. Hard to enjoy a good story when it bugs out so much.

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