A light in the dark is super bugged

Same. Southern Brazier won’t light.

Second attempt. Making sure evrything around the braziers is dead before clicking it has worked so far. We’ll see how it goes from here.

ok here is what worked for me. I went an killed everything before i fought little mini bosses and activated it. Then i went to north did that one then back to south never activating until they were all near me and everything was dead.

Worked second time around. Just made sure everything in the vicinity was dead before clicking anything and never used the special ability. Also had all addons turned off. Scenario went smooth after that. Cutscene and all.

Many of us can’t even begin the quest, so we’re presuming they took the quest ‘offline’ and that’s why it’s broken or bugged in various spots for folks that already started it. Hopefully they hotfix this soon; there are angry mobs outside and they paid extra to get in three days early.

Hope bar is also regenerating near light way too slow


I bug reported this, but, I can confirm that if Faerin is in combat with something and you click the wells, it will bug them out and you can’t complete it.

The last well bugged out on me and I had to restart the entire scenario.

Also - The hope meter fills so slowly that I just walked away from the game while sitting by the brazier and made lunch by the time it refilled from about 50%.

For me i was hearing only a beeping sound in the cut scene like beep-beep…beep-beep…(like how and old movie countdown sounded) then it cut out and removed me mid cut scene.

Same here, brazier wouldn’t work, ran out of hope, died, couldn’t revive. canceled everything, got ported out by force, had to revive outside. I’ll wait a bit before trying it again.

Cant rez click click click

I have tried completing this quest 20 times. Same thing every time. One of the braziers won’t light. There’s nothing to click. Trying to finish this campaign so I can get my mount :sob:. Super frustrating.