Liberation is a competitive progression guild on US[A] [Kel’Thuzad]. We currently offer two raids–A hardcore mythic raid and a more casual progression team.
This guild was formed from the progression raid team of another more casual guild with the intent of pushing CE progression. The majority of the players here have recent, deep mythic progression (11 or 12M nyalotha) and are looking for like minded individuals to experience high end content with.
Hardcore Team: Tues/Thurs 9pm-12:30am est.
Steady Progression Team: Wed/Fri 9:30pm-12:30am est.
We are also recruiting exceptional non-raiding key runners and part time casuals for those of you that want to key run or fill in.
The hardcore team is focusing recruitment on an exceptional shammy or pally healer for mythic progression.
The casual team needs a full time tank and a healer.
Any exceptional dps (purple+ parses on more than 70% of the heroic encounters) will be considered for immediate full time slots.
If interested, please PM me in game or on BNET (Lionheart#12163)