[A] <Liberation> 3/8M - T/Th CST LFM!

Greetings Sargeras,

Liberation has opened up recruitment in general to prepare for the upcoming raid tiers beyond Uldir. As a guild, our mission statement is to always complete Mythic and achieve Cutting Edge.

Why Liberation?

Simply, we’re here to have fun. The guild is of a mature mindset with the average player age around 30. We come from a wide array of backgrounds, who do not have time to raid 12+ hours a week anymore. Our atmosphere is laid back, as a guild we provide: Flasks, potions, food, gems, enchants and repairs. We simply ask you come prepared and knowledgeable about your class and the bosses we will be pulling.

Outside of raid, our discord is usually fairly active throughout the day. Many of us play various other games together, including Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Diablo 2, Diablo 3 and many others. On off nights, you can typically find several groups pushing m+, also engaging in PvP.

Raid Days/Times:
Days: Tuesday, Thursday and Monday (Optional/clean up)
Time: 8-11 CST (Invites at 7:30) Raid on Monday ends at 10:00 Server

Currently Recruiting
Tanks - Closed
Healers - Flexible healer with DPS OS
rDPS - Any ranged DPS
mDPS - Rogue

Current Progression
EP: 8/8H | 3/8M
CoS: 0/2M | 2/2H - AOTC
BoD: 9/9M | 9/9H - Cutting Edge!
Uldir: 8/8H | 7/8M

Contact Information
For more information, please feel free to reply to this thread, or contact me by my BattleTag, Blashy#1850

Thank you all for your time, and your interest in Liberation.



bump to the top

Bumping because I need someone to come tank with me! :smiley:

bump to the top.

Bump to the top.

Friendly bump. :slight_smile:

Are there any Rogues on Sargeras?

It must go to the top!

Hey. I am interested in faction and server changing over to Sargeras and think your guild would be a great fit for me! I’m currently ilvl 380 shadow priest (can heal when needed) looking to get into raiding.

394 Havoc Demon Hunter. Interested in looking into this guild, added on bnet. warcraftlogs com/character/id/37330283#

Looking for a solid Holy Paladin!

Bump for Boomage!

Heyo! I am willing to play any class needed to fit in with a core group of people. Mostly looking for a long term home. My gear is not super rn, most toons 390+, but I’m willing to put in the time to get up to speed.

If you’re still looking for a holy paladin, your raid times work well for me and would love to trail. I’m 6/9 kill, 7/9 exp (wasn’t in for kill, but in for progression). Battletag: Didymus#1633 Discord: Didymus#7016.

We did find a hpal, but if anything changes, we’ll be in touch. :slight_smile: Good luck to you!

1 Like

Still looking for Boomie? And do you guys reclear or save lockout to mekka?

Cutting Edge obtained in Tier 23. Looking for a DPS DH for a 100% Core mythic progression spot.

Lf mythic ready raiders who want to push CE! Specific needs include Havoc DH and Holy Paladin for CORE spots!

Updated progression: 8/8H and 1/8M as of 8/5/2019.

Updated recruitment needs: Ele Sham, Shadow Priest, Warlock, Rogue are high priority. We will also consider any skilled DPS interested in joining our team!

Looking for some great DPS and a healer with a strong DPS OS!